1960s timeline

  • Brown vs Education

    Brown vs Education
    This case happened because of segregation of schools. The lower courts upheld the practice of segregation. This was brought to the Supreme Court. At this time segregation harmed the self-image of young students. Chief Justice Earl Warren issued that segregation of school was violating the Constitutions guarantee of equal protection of the law.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    Rosa Parks an African American was riding the bus. She refused to move out of her seat so she got arrested. This started the bus boycott. African Americans started walking everywhere for nearly a year until the boycott ended. It ended a year because that was when the court ruled it unconstitutional for segregation on buses.
  • Little Rock crisis

    Little Rock crisis
    Some schools quickly prepared to inaugurate the schools. Others strongly opposed. In Virginia they passed a law that said if any school inaugurate they would close the school down. There were nine students who had to get protected from National guards as they walked into their school because they were African American. These nine children were called Little Rock Nine.
  • A Civil war

    A Civil war
    Diem's opponents in South Vietnam were in open revolt. North Vietnam began supplying weapons to Vietminh rebels who had remained in south after defeat of the French. Vietcong formed for the goal to over throw Diems government. In 1955 The U.S. began to supply South Vietnam with money and weapons.
  • Sit-in

    Four college students in North Carolina began a sit in my ordering coffee at lunch counter in Woolworth's store. They got denied service because of their race. They stated in their seats expecting to be arrested. When they were not arrested they stated till the store closed. More students came and joined the protest. By day three 63 out of 66 seats were filled.
  • Kennedy becomes president

    Kennedy becomes president
    John F. Kennedy became the youngest and the first Roman Catholic president. HIs victory was won by a 303-219 margin in the Electoral College. This was the closest election in history. The problem to this is that the government was not a decisive mandate.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    This symbolized the New Frontier because of exploration of space. In April Soviet sent the first human into space. JFK saw this as a challenge and thought that this was superiority from communist. JFK makes a bold proposal to send someone to the moon. This proposal succeeded on July 20, 1969.
  • Religious Freedom

    Religious Freedom
    Engel V.S. Vitale banned formal prayer and prohibited daily bible readings in school. The reason for this is because the activities violated the First Amendment. This is by the guarantee that government would not make any religion the nations "official" religion.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    U-2 spy planes flew over Cuba and detected a SAM. The Soviets lied about the SAM so a group known as Ex Comm was assembled to help JFK. He prepared for war as several Soviet Ships carried missile toward Cuba. They approached the U.S. blockade and turned around. Two days later JFK received a letter offering to remove the missiles if the U.S. would never invade Cuba. A day later another letter came in saying to remove the missiles from Turkey. JFK ignored the second letter and accepted the first
  • JFK foreign Policy

    JFK foreign Policy
    JFK developed programs to help poor nations. The Alliance for Progress, Flexible Response and Peace Corps. The most successful is The Peace Corps. The Peace Corps trained Americans so they can go to a foreign nation to help others.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    This was a march that was for jobs and freedom. It was the largest civil rights demonstration ever held in U.S. over 200,000 people of all races covered the NATIONAL mall. Martian Luther King Jr. delivered the last speech at the day long rally. His speech became to be known as the "I have a dream"
  • Johnson becomes president

    Johnson becomes president
    He gave up on school teaching to go into the government. A great concern of his was the poor and unprivileged. His attitude was crude but very passionate. He became the president on Air Force one few hours after Kennedy’s assassination. The first speech as a president he said “All I have I would have given gladly not to be standing here today.” He truly meant these words.
  • Kennedy Assassination

    Kennedy Assassination
    JFK was riding in a convertible in the city of Dallas his goal was to deliver a speech. This goal failed as shots rang out from the 6th floor of schoolbook depository building. Kennedy fell over with fatal wonds to his head. He was declared dead at the hospital. His death was a tragic lost . It shocked the nation and the world. Hour's afterwards Vice President Johnson was sworn in as president on Air Force One.
  • Twenty-fourth Amendment

    Twenty-fourth Amendment
    This Amendment banned states from taxing citizens to vote. Many southern states required these poll taxes as a way to keep African Americans from voting. Even though these only ban poll taxes only to elect president or congress it increased hopes that change was on the way.
  • War on Poverty

    War on Poverty
    Johnson declared"unconditional war on poverty" in America. In order for this to happen he asked congress to pass The Economic Opportunity Act. THhis act funded Job Corps and VISTA. These programs were run out of the White House by the new created economic opportunity.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    A call went out to college students willing to spend their summer in Mississippi registering African Americans to vote. When school let out hundreds of volunteers gathered at Ohio College to train for project. Most of them were from poor southern African American families.
  • Passing of Civil Rights Act

    Passing of Civil Rights Act
    The good feeling of the march on Washington was soon over. This was due to a bomb explosion a month later in Birmingham church killing four young African American girls. Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act banned discrimination in employment and in public accommodations.
  • Johnsons Foreign policy

    Johnsons Foreign policy
    He was committed to stopping the spread of communism and to improve relations with the Soviet Union. The U.S. and S.U. joined 58 other nations to ban weapons in outer space. Then his last foreign policy was the Pueblo incident. This was a crisis where North Korean capture a spy ship off coast of Communist North Korea.
  • Selma march

    Selma march
    600 African Americans began the 54 mile march. Just outside Selma city police blocked their way. They fired tear gas, they attacked with clubs, chains and electric cattle prods. King was not present on this day he said that the march will resume on March 9th. He only led the group to the base of the bridge. The marchers finally reached Montgomery on March 25.
  • Black Power

    Black Power
    Stokely Carmichael became the leader of SNCC. He supported aggressive action this became clear during the march against fear in June 1966. Black power is African American dependence on them to solve problems. He also called on African Americans to form their own separate political organization.
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    This got started by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton. They were two inspired young community activists. The Panthers rejected nonviolence and called for violent revolution as means of African American liberation. To achieve some of their goals the Panthers carried guns and monitored African American neighborhoods to guard against police. This led to shootouts resulting in deaths on both sides.
  • Assassination of King

    Assassination of King
    King led a march on March 28th and on April 3 he spoke at a rally. The next day King was on the balcony of his hotel room. Shots rang out and assassinated King. The shooter was James Earl Ray, a white sniper with high powered rifle. Because of his death riots started. within three weeks 46people were dead 2,600 were injured and more than 21,oo were arrested.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    Civil Rights Act of 1968
    This was also called the Fair Housing Act. This law banned discrimination in the sale or retail of housing. This was passed in spite of challenges of the civil rights movement.
  • Change in goals

    Change in goals
    Thousands of protesters came to the nation’s capital to be part of the poor people’s campaign. This was marked an important expansion of civil rights movement. This turned out to be a disaster. Because of bad weather and the SCLC experience d terrible media relations. This campaign also failed to express the campaigns needs and demands.
  • Media's impact

    Media's impact
    In this war reporters and television crews accompanied soldiers on patrol and interviewed people throughout South Vietnam. It brought the war into people’s living room. This was the televised war. So it brought a lot of impact on people.
  • The draft

    The draft
    After start of war most American troops were professional soldiers. As American force in Vietnam increased the U.S. depended more on drafted soldiers. 25% of young men who registered for the draft were excused from service for health reasons. Another 30% received deferments or postpones of service. In 1973 the government ended they returned to ranks with volunteers. Thousands of people went to Canada to avoid being sent to Vietnam.
  • Noncombat positions

    Noncombat positions
    These are the people who are in administration, communications, engineering, medical care and transportation. Even in these non-combat roles soldiers faced dangers from fighting. 10,000 American military woman served in these positions.
  • Buising and political change

    Buising and political change
    Schools were still segregated this could be due to years of discrimination that had contributed to segregated neighborhoods in many cities. The Fair Housing Act was a step toward ending this situation. It would take years to overcome decades of discrimination and to achieve integrated neighborhoods. There were violent protests. By 1974 small towns elected black mayors.