1960s and Public Protests

  • JFK becomes president

    JFK, a democratic candidate, beats Nixon in the battle for president of the United States
  • Peace Corps

    President JFK establishes the Peace Corps which disseminates good will and practical knowledge by the help of volunteers.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    JFK is informed of missile construction in Cuba and after debating with congress, he sends out a naval quarantine. He and Krushchev negotiate and avoid a nuclear war.
  • I have a dream speech

    MLK Jr. gives his "I have a dream" speech and this increases protests.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK is assassinated in Dallas, Texas
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    President Johnson sign the Civil Right Acts that outlaws discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, or gender.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    This act was signed by president Johnson and it abolishes literacy test that were used against African-Americans during voting by local and state governments.
  • Detroit Race Riots

    This was a city wide riot that involved killings, violence, and theft. Eventually ended when President Johnson sent out federal troops to arrest over 13,000 people.
  • MLK Jr. assassination

    MLK Jr., a popular protester for right for African American, is assassinated but his death motivates people to work for equal rights.
  • Moon Landing

    Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to land on the moon and it is broadcast across the world.