

  • John F. Kennedy elected president

    John F. Kennedy elected president
    John F. Kennedy was the youngest man to ever be elected President, his campaign was fought hard. It was also the first time presidental candidates were televised.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The invasion started when the CIA and a group of Cubans landed in Ciba and attempted to cause the government to fall slowly.
  • U.S. involvement in Vietnam War begins

    U.S. involvement in Vietnam War begins
    South Vietnam signed a treaty with the U.S. and it lead to the arrival of the U.S. troops.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    It was a 13 day long military standoff it was were they shot a lot of missles over Cuba 90 miles away from the shores of the U.S.
  • John F. Kennedy Assassinated

    John F. Kennedy Assassinated
    John F. Kennedy was riding on the back of a convertable with his wife through Dallas Texas in a Parade when somone from the large crwod shot him.
  • The Beatles perform in U.S. for the first time

    The Beatles perform in U.S. for the first time
    The beatles blasted Washington. all shrieks and songs people couldn’t quite make out.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed
    The Congress approved of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, it gave President Lyndon B. Johnson almost ulimited powers.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    About 70,000 Viatnamesse and Viet Cong forces launched the Tet Offensive. It was a fierc e attack on about 100 cities in Vietnam.
  • Election of 1968 (who ran? who won?)

    Election of 1968 (who ran? who won?)
    Three guys were running and it was Humphrey, Wallace, and Nixon. Wallace got blew out of the election and Nixon won over Humphrey. Nixon also ran for congress after loosing the election to Kennedy 2 years previous.
  • Richard Nixon visits China

    Richard Nixon visits China
    Nixon arrived in China and made a open-trade policy with China, so things are traded for free between our countries,
  • Watergate Affair

    Watergate Affair
    It was a big political scandal, it caused a break in at the DNC at the watergate office in Washington
  • Richard Nixon resigns from presidency

    Richard Nixon resigns from presidency
    Nixon says he is going to resign a day after at noon on August 9th, he felt to much pressure with the watergate affair scandal and couldn't do it anymroe.
  • U.S. involvement in Vietnam War ends

    U.S. involvement in Vietnam War ends
    President Nixon knew he couldn't end the war without honor so he continued it and then came up with a plan. He was doing stuff secretly and making our troops work harder, He came up with a settlement and nagotied then the war came to an end.
  • Jimmy Carter elected president

    Jimmy Carter elected president
    He was elected and served at the 39th President.
  • Camp David Accords (between Egypt and Israel)

    Camp David Accords (between Egypt and Israel)
    Signed an agreement between Israel and Egypt.
  • Iranian Hostage Crisis

    Iranian Hostage Crisis
    It was a group of Iran students who stormed to the U.S. There was about 60 hostages during this crisis.
  • Ronald Reagan elected president

    Ronald Reagan elected president
    He was elected for President in 1968 and again in 1976, but won in 1980.