
  • Kennedy's Presidency

    -November 22, 1963
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    Kennedy's Presidency

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    The New Frontier

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    Nashvile Sit-ins

    1. College students would sit at counters with African Americans and would would refuse to leave until they would be served. They were abused by surrounding people and arrested by the police for doing nothing. This caught a lot of attention and helped progress the civil rights movement.
  • SNCC formed

    SNCC formed
    1. The organization SNCC was a younger group of students who would protest in order to gain rights for African Americans. They were very active in the freedom rides and marches. They made great strides for civil equality.
  • 1960 Election

  • Peace Corps Proposed

  • Alliance for Progress Proposed

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    Warren Court Rules on Rights of the Accused

  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

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    Berlin Crisis

  • The Other America Published

  • John Glenn Orbits the Earth

  • Baker v. Carr

  • Engel v. Vitale

  • Intergration of Ole Miss

    Intergration of Ole Miss
    1. The college of Mississippi admitted its first and only black student. This was more of a test to see if the school was going to obey the new laws. At first they refused admission but after federal involvement the student was admitted.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Birmingham Confrontation

    Birmingham Confrontation
    1. During a march in Birmingham, Eugene "Bull" Connor called for the firefighters to spray hoses at the innocent marchers. They were brutally sprayed and arrested. The harsh actions received world wide media coverage.
  • Equal Pay Act Passed

  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    1. This was the a march that 200,000 people participated in. It was also the day when Martin Luther King, Jr gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. This gained a ton of media coverage and it showed the support of the president by the black community.
  • 16th Street Church Bombing

    1. The 16th Street church was bombed in response to a African American march. The church was a meeting place for the children to march in the streets. This action stirred a lot of emotions in that of the blacks.
  • 16th Street Church Bombing

    1. The 16th Street church was bombed in response to a African American march. The church was a meeting place for the children to march in the streets. This action stirred a lot of emotions in that of the blacks.
  • 16th Street Church Bombing

    16th Street Church Bombing
    1. The 16th Street church was bombed in response to a African American march. The church was a meeting place for the children to march in the streets. This action stirred a lot of emotions in that of the blacks.
  • Kennedy Assassination

  • Lyndon Johnson Sworn in

  • Warren Commission Formed

  • Economic Oppurtunity Act Proposed

  • Great Society Proposed

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 broke new grounds for the civil rights movement. It banned all types of segregation. It was a great accomplishment for African Americans.
  • 1964 Election

  • Malcolm X Assassinated

    Malcolm X Assassinated
    1. Malcolm X returned from his pilgrimage to Mecca a changed man. He started to show support of MLK. He said that if things wouldn't work non-violently that they would turn to violence. People wonder what would have happened between him and MLK if he would have lived longer.
  • Medicare & Medicaid Passed

  • Black Panthers formed

    Black Panthers formed
    1. The Black Panthers were a very radical civil rights group. They had a 10 point plan that they wanted for the black community. One went even as far as to say that they wanted the government to supply them with somewhat of a reservation, like the indians.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr Assassination

    Martin Luther King, Jr Assassination
    1. Martin Luther King, Jr was a huge face for the civil rights movement. He accomplished so much in his life. When he was assassinated there appeared to be a loss hope for the movement.