Birth control approved by the FDA.
Theodore Maiman invented the first laser.
The movie Psycho is released.
Freedom riders challenge segregation on interstate buses.
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Peace Corps was founded.
President John F. Kennedy gives the "Man on the Moon" speech.
Andy Warhol created his famous Campbell's soup painting.
*Actual date not available. -
First Wal-Mart opened in America.
Marilyn Monroe died.
Martin Luther King, Jr. makes "I have a dream" speech.
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom occured in the capital for equal rights for African Americans.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
Hasbro creates GI Joe.
*Actual date not available. -
The Beatles appear on The Ed Sullivan Show and become popular all over the US.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted giving African Americans complete equal rights.
Miniskirt becomes popular.
*Actual date not available. -
US sends first set of troops to Vietnam.
New York City Great Blackout.
Vietnam War draft protests.
*Actual date not available. -
NOW organization formed.
First episode of Star Trek aired.
3 astronauts killed in simulated space launch.
First Super Bowl.
Thurgood Marshall first African American on US Supreme Court.
My Lai Massacre
US troops murdered almost 500 civilians in My Lai in Vietnam. -
Nerve gas leak in Utah kills 6,000 sheep.
Martin Luther King Jr., assassinated.
First person walks on the moon.
First episode of Sesame Street airs.