
  • The Computer-Based Education Research Laboratory is established.

  • The Filmstrip Viewer is released

  • PLATO IV Touch Screen Terminal created

  • Scantron is developed

    Scantron is developed
    Another way to take test.
  • Texas Instruments develops the first hand-held calculator

    Texas Instruments develops the first hand-held calculator
  • CD-Rom players for computers

    CD-Rom players for computers
  • Texas Instruments creates the popularTI-81 Graphing Calculator

    Better calculators for students
  • Mosaic, the first graphical browser for the World Wide Web, is developed at the University of Illinois

  • State Plan for Information Technology in K-12 is created

  • Interactive Whiteboard created

    Interactive Whiteboard created
  • Apple releases iMac in teal with a built-in microphone

  • The Illinois Virtual School is created

  • Ipad created

    Ipad created
  • District 228 purchases 1000 iPads

  • Student created and produced sports show: Green Zone Created