1960's Timeline

  • Period: to

    1960's Timeline

  • 1962 AT&T introduces the first modem

    The modem is used pretty much by most households that have computers and access to the internet.
  • 1964 SRI develops first prototype computer mouse

    Bill English at SRI develops the first computer mouse. Computer mice are used extensively today for almost every computer. They are the easiest way to navigate computers and continue to be innovated every year with different variants for different applications.
  • 1964 IBM 2321 Data Cell is introduced

    The IBM 2321 Data Cell is introduced and is one of the first forms of a direct access storage device. These would later evolve into different things such as flash drives which are considered direct access storage devices.
  • 1965 Minicomputers begin to take off.

    During the mid 1960's Digital Equipment Corporation manufactured multiple different models of minicomputers. Minicomputers started to show how computers were starting to become more compact ans smaller in size. Now days we are still pushing the limits with how much power we can get out of smaller and smaller computers.
  • 1969 AL1 Microprocessor invented

    Lee Boysel created one of the first microprocessors which revolutioned CPUs which are used in every computer today.