Integrated Circuit
A small electronic device made up of multiple interconnected electronic components such as transistors, resistors, and capacitors. On April 25, 1961, the patent office awarded the first patent for an integrated circuit to Robert Noyce while Kilby's application was still being analyzed. Today, both men are acknowledged as having independently conceived of the idea. -
Space War
The First Computer Game, Created By Steve Russell. The foundations for modern video games were laid in the 1960s, with the development of games like Spacewar! -
The invention of the practical LED, created by Nick Holonyack in 1962, revolutionized lighting technology, leading to energy-efficient and long-lasting lighting solutions. -
Compact Cassette
Created by Lou Ottens , he introduced in 1963, the compact cassette revolutionized audio recording and playback, making music and information more accessible to the masses. -
Computer Mouse
Douglas Engelbart completely changed the way people interacted with computers when he invented the computer mouse.