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MPTC 1960's Hispanic and Chicano Movement

  • United farm workers committee

    United farm workers committee
    The United Farm Workers Organize Committee in California, began as an independent organization led by Cesar Chavez
  • Council take over

    Council take over
    In Crystal City, Texas the Political Association of Spanish Speaking Organizations and local Teamsters unite to take over the city council for 2 years
  • Committee strike

    Committee strike
    The National Farm Workers Association meets at church hall and vote to join the Agricultural Workers and organize a strike of the grape pickers
  • Period: to

    March to Sacramento

    Cesar and his supporters began to march from Delano California to Sacremento Califorina starting with 100 supporters and ending with more than 1,500 supporters marching to Sacramento to emphasize the religious spirit behind the union movement
  • MAYO

    Mexican American Youth Organization starts and founded by Jose Angel
  • Brown Berets

    Brown Berets
    Brown Berets group created and founded by David Sanchez in East Los Angeles
  • Chicano demonstration

    Chicano demonstration
    More than 100 Chicanos demonstrate at the East Los Angeles police station against police brutality
  • College walk-out

    College walk-out
    Chicano college students walk out their classrooms - several consecutive times. All because of the civil rights movement and the quality of the education they were recieving.
  • Massacre

    Police and military officers went on a massacre killing at Plaza of the Three Cultures in Mexico City. 30 to 300 Chicanos were killed and 1300 people were arrested. The government claimed that forces had been provoked by protesters shooting at them, which is why they shot all the those Chicanos.
  • Chicano rally march

    Chicano rally march
    10,000 Chicanos rally from all over southern California against the police brutality