• John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    JFK became the 35th president of the United States.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    A U-2 flight over Cuba takes photos of Soviet
    nuclear weapons being installed. A stand-off then ensues the next day between the United
    States and the Soviet Union, threatening the world with nuclear war.
  • "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

    "Letter from Birmingham Jail"
    Martin Luther King, Jr. issued his "Letter from Birmingham Jail".
  • "Equal Pay for Equal Work"

    "Equal Pay for Equal Work"
    Congress enacted"equal pay for equal work" legislature for women.
  • "Freedom March"

    "Freedom March"
    32,000 people make 54-mile "freedom march" from Selma to Montgomery.
  • John F. Kennedy was assinated

    John F. Kennedy was assinated
    Stores and businesses shut down for the entire weekend and Monday, in tribute.
  • World Trade Centers construction started

    World Trade Centers construction started
    The Ajax Wrecking and Lumber Corporation was hired for the demolition work, which began on March 21, 1966 to clear the site for construction of the World Trade Center.
  • Uniform Time Act

    Uniform Time Act
    United States president Lyndon Johnson signs the 1966 Uniform Time Act act dealing with Daylight Saving Time.
  • H Bomb

    H Bomb
    Communist China announces the H Bomb.
  • Richard Nixon Presidency

    Richard Nixon Presidency
    The Republican nominee, former Vice President Richard Nixon, won the election over the Democratic nominee, incumbent Vice President Hubert Humphrey.