1960's and 1970's

  • bay of pigs

    bay of pigs
    it was invasion of cuba to take out the leader of cuba casro'd tiny air force make it impossible to risits the attack
  • jfk elected

    jfk elected
    he won a soild victory in the democratic primary in overwhelmingy protest in west virgina
  • start vietname war

    start vietname war
    lunar new year hoilday north vietna,e and communist viet cong forces launched a coordinated atacl againt a number of targets
  • the cuban missle crisis

    the russian and american had political stand off from us shores installation or nuke armed misslile
  • john f kennedy assassinated

    john f kennedy assassinated
    da;;as texas a was where he was killed shot dead some say it was one guy but if so the bullet traveled and they called magic bullet but some say there was two shooter
  • the beatles debut in u.s

    the beatles debut in u.s
    they came ed cullivan show in front of of an estimated 73 million americans.
  • guld of tonkin resolutions

    guld of tonkin resolutions
    the two detroyer in the gulf of tonkin johnson under attack johnson authorized realiatory to attack noth viitname
  • ronald ragan elected president.

    ronald ragan elected president.
    he was defated in his for the repunlican presideantial nomation inn 1968 in 1976 but won both nomination and general election of 1980 defeated jim carter.
  • tet offisive.

    tet offisive.
    some of 70,000 north vietname and viet viet cong forces launched the tet offisive a coordinated series of firce attack
  • the inbolovement in the vietnam

    the inbolovement in the vietnam
    was the end of war with a peace treaty between country.
  • election of 1968

    election of 1968
    the republican nominee former vice president richard nixon wont the election over the democratic nominee president hubat humphrey
  • richard nixon goes to china

    look at the tags on you chocie on you cloths or you back pack and see where they were made theres chance in china today us trafe policy with china whihc means goos are yraded for free.
  • the water gate scandal

    was major political scandal that occurred in the united states in the 1970 as a result if the jun 18 break in at the democraticly national
  • resign of nicon

    resign of nicon
    richard nixon announced last night that he will reisgn as the 37th oresident of the united states at noon
  • jimmy carter elected president

    jimmy carter elected president
    by second of three natonally televised debates on october 6 carter lead had nearly evaprterted ford bundling telling an incredoulous
  • camp david accords

    camp david accords
    that led in the flolowing year of a peace treaty between tose two counntries the first such treaty
  • iranina hostage risis

    iranina hostage risis
    an angry mob of young islamic revolutionaries overran the u.s embassy in tehran taking mre than 60 americans hostage