
  • JFK Wins Presidency

    JFK Wins Presidency
    JFK beat Nixton
  • Kennedy Inaugural

    Kennedy Inaugural
    “ask not what your country can do you—ask what you can do for your country.”
  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    disseminate good will and practical knowledge by enlisting volunteers, most under age 30, to two-year terms of service.
  • Kennedy Proposes Moon Program

    Kennedy Proposes Moon Program
    JFK pledges to land a man on the moon by the end of the decade.
  • Federal Protection for Freedom Riders

    Federal Protection for Freedom Riders
    John F. Kennedy orders U.S. Marshals to provide protection for “Freedom Riders” attempting to integrate interstate bus travel.
  • Minimum Wage Hike

    Min Wage raised.
  • US Steel Crosses Kennedys

    US Steel Crosses Kennedys
    US Steel announces that it is raising prices just weeks after JFK convinced the steel workers union to temper its wage demands
  • JFK Proposes Big Tax Cuts

    JFK Proposes Big Tax Cuts
    plan for economic recovery that focas on large tax cuts
  • Kennedy Assassination

    Kennedy Assassination
    President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson is sworn in as president the same day.
  • LBJ Declares War on Poverty

    LBJ Declares War on Poverty
    war on poverty and outlines an ambitious domestic agenda aimed at reducing unemployment, increasing support for education and job training, and expanding public services for the poor.
  • Johnson Slashes Taxes

    Johnson Slashes Taxes
    Johnson signs the Tax Reduction Act
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • LBJ Trounces Goldwater in Election

    LBJ Trounces Goldwater in Election
    elected president of the United States. He defeats Republican Barry Goldwater by the largest margin in American history
  • Creation of Medicare and Medicaid

    Creation of Medicare and Medicaid
    Medicare, a national health insurance program for the elderly.
    Medicaid, providing health care for people on welfare.
  • Nixon Wins Presidency

    Nixon Wins Presidency
    Nixton became president