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    Named after Senator Joseph McCarthy, "McCarthyism is used to describe the widespread charges of communist influence and investigations of alleged communist activities that took place in the United States during the late 1940s and 1950s" (Strom 1).
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    Cold War

    The Cold War was a period of tension after World War ll between the U.S and the Soviet Union (now known as Russia), "the Cold War can be defined as a state of mutual hostility, distrust, and rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet Union" (ABC Clio).
  • Andre Cournand, Dickinson Richard, and Werner Forssmann Win Nobel Prize

    Andre Cournand, Dickinson Richard, and Werner Forssmann Win Nobel Prize
    These three physicians were awarded a Nobel Prize in medicine for performing heart catheterization (which--as you may guess--is a big deal)
  • Elvis Presley Releases His first Album

    Elvis Presley Releases His first Album
    in 1956 Elvis released his first ever album "Rock N' Roll" that "put the future king of rock and roll on the path to the throne" (Dalton 1).
  • Slochower V. Board of Education

    Slochower V. Board of Education
    Harry Slochower, a professor at Brooklyn College in New York, lost his job because of suspected communist affiliation (ABC-Clio).
  • Rosa Parks is Fingerprinted

    Rosa Parks is Fingerprinted
    1956, in Montgomery (AL), a civil rights icon, Rosa Parks, is fingerprinted after refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. This (speaking of her refusal to give up her seat) gave rise to the Montgomery bus boycott which eventually ruled out segregated seating on buses.
  • Original Film of "The Invasion of The Body Snatchers" is released

    Original Film of "The Invasion of The Body Snatchers" is released
    Many believe this film is "a parable of the Cold War era and Senator Joseph McCarthy's pursuit of communist infiltrators" (Booker 1).
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    In 1957, a group of nine African American students enrolled at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. The effort in denying The entrance to the Little rock Nine was so grave that even National Guard troops were sent to block their entering into the school.
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    Asian Flu of 1957-1958

    During this time, the Asian flu pandemic kills anywhere from 1-2 million people worldwide (Moran 1).
  • Dr. Seuss Publishes "Cat in the Hat"

    Dr. Seuss Publishes "Cat in the Hat"
    After many ears of being a writer and artist, Dr. Seuss publishes "Cat in the Hat" which gains him a lot of fame--selling more hat 1 million copies within 3 years.
  • "I Love Lucy" Ends

    "I Love Lucy" Ends
    On April 4, 1957, the beloved "I Love Lucy" TV show broadcasts it's final episode.
  • Soviet Union Launches First Ever Spatial Satellite

    Soviet Union Launches First Ever Spatial Satellite
    On October 4th, 1957, Russian launched Sputnik 1--triggering the space age.
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    The National Defense Education Act (NDEA), was an investment of over 1 billion dollars in student loan funding, mainly aimed to students pursuing degrees in STEM.
  • U.S Launches its First Satellite

    U.S Launches its First Satellite
    "Explorer I, the first U.S. satellite, is launched at Cape Canaveral on January 31, 1958" (ABC- Clio).
  • Cuban Revolution Ends

    Cuban Revolution Ends
    On January 1st, 1959, Fulgencio Bautista flees to Miami (FL), bringing end to his authoritarian rule (ABC-Clio).
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    Mao Zedong's "Great Leap Forward"

    Mao Zedong's "Great Leap Forward" Plan--originally founded to further improve communist China's economy--failed terribly and caused about 20 million people to die of starvation (Kenley).
  • Mercury 7 Names Were Announced

    Mercury 7 Names Were Announced
    The Mercury 7 were a group of carefully selected members that NASA would invest a lot of money into getting them out to space.
  • Antarctic Treaty

    Antarctic Treaty
    The Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1959, stated that the continent of Antarctica would be "dedicated...to peaceful, nonpolitical scientific investigation and suspended all territorial claims" (ABC-Clio).
  • The Beatles Band Was Formed

    The Beatles Band Was Formed
    Everyone's heard about The Beatles--they were they were one of the most, if not the most, influential band ever.
  • "To Kill A Mockingbird" By Harper Lee was Published

    "To Kill A Mockingbird" By Harper Lee was Published
    "To Kill A Mockingbird" focuses on racial & social tensions during the 1930's (Great Depression). It is one the most successful novels & has become a classic.
  • First Woman Prime Minister: Sirimavo Bandaranaike

    First Woman Prime Minister: Sirimavo Bandaranaike
    Sirimavo Bandaranaike became the first ever woman prime minister when she succeeded power after her husband's assassination.
  • Earthquake in Morocco

    Earthquake in Morocco
    February 29, 1960, a 5.7 magnitude earthquake destroys Agadir (town in Morocco) and kills about 12,000 people.
  • References

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