1955- 1975

  • Deflation

  • Increase in minimum wage

    75 cents to a dollar
  • Polio Vaccine

    Jonas salk develops Polio vaccine- licensed in 1955
  • Disneyland

  • Stock Market Suffers

  • Diem

    U.S. installs Diem as Leader of South Vietnam
  • Rosa Parks

    On December 1st, Rosa Parks was one of the first to say no to segregation and to do something about it.
  • Largest Labor Union

    AFL and CIO merge in America's Largest Labor Union
  • Interstate Highway Act

  • Eisenhower Doctrine

  • Civil Rights Act

  • Space race begins

    Russians launch Sputnik; "space race" begins.
  • Near the finish line

    First U.S. attempt to launch
  • Recession

  • Explorer I

  • Business Expansion Begins