1955-1975 By: Anavya Jernigan

  • Desegregation Law in Schools

    The Supreme Court orders that schools be desegregated very quickly.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a fellow white passenger, which lands her in jail.
  • The Southern Manifesto

    Southern Congressmen call for resistance against Supreme Court desegregation ruling.
  • Dwight Eisenhower is elected president again

    Dwight Eisenhower once again wins the presidential election against competitor Stevenson.
  • Dwight Eisenhower is inaugurated president again.

    Dwight Eisenhower is inaugurated president for his second term.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    The Civil Rights Act of 1957 ensured that all Americans could properly exercise their right to vote.
  • Little Rock Nine

    The Little Rock Nine were a group of African American students from Little Rock, Arkansas who famously desegregated the previously all-white school, Central High School.
  • Alaska

    Alaska is admitted into the United States as the 49th state.
  • Hawaii

    Hawaii is admitted into the United States, as the 50th state.
  • Greensboro Sit-ins

    Four African American college students from Greensboro, North Carolina sat in at a segregated Woolworth diner to protest racial injustices towards them.
  • JFK wins presidential election

    John F. Kennedy slightly wins the presidential election against Richard Nixon.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    The Bay of Pigs Invasion was an US attempt to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro. The invasion was a failure because the United States did not realize how many Cubans actually supported the regime.
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith was the first African American to attend the previously-segregated University of Mississippi.
  • Abington School District vs. Schempp

    The decision of this case ruled that reciting the Bible or prayers in unconstitutional.
  • I Have a Dream Speech

    On this day, Martin Luther King speaks his famous ¨I Have a Dream¨ speech in Washington, D.C.
  • JFK is assassinated

    President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, which prevented discrimination in jobs, voting, and other services.
  • Vietnam War begins

    The Vietnam War begins because there was a struggle between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The United States joined in the war to attempt to contain Communism.
  • 26th Amendment

    The 26th Amendment was approved by the Senate. The 26th Amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18.
  • Watergate Scandal

    On this date, the Watergate scandal was committed. Four men broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters to ensure that Nixon would win his second presidential election.
  • The Paris Peace Accords were signed

    The Paris Peace Accords were Vietnamese peace pacts that ended the Vietnam War.
  • Nixon resigns

    Nixon resigns from presidency to avoid the impeachment process, after he is proven guilty in taking his part in the Watergate scandal. He is the only president to ever resign.