1955 1975


  • Martin Luther and Rosa Parks

    Martin Luther and Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. Martin Luther King Jr. started his campaign for equality by leading a boycott against the bus system.
  • Hawaii and Alaska gain statehood

    Hawaii and Alaska gain statehood
    the United States expands through Hawaii and Alaska gaining Statehood
  • John F Kennedy is elected

    John F Kennedy is elected
    John F Kennedy was elected as the 35th president of the United States.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    On November 22, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated John F Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson was immediately sworn into office.
  • Lyndon B Johnson

    Lyndon B Johnson
    Lyndon B Johnson was re-elected for president.
  • Martin Luther King jr assassenation

    Martian Luther King was assassinated on April 4, 1964, leaving the country stunned.
  • Richard Nixon is elected as president

    Richard Nixon was elected for President, making him the 37th President.
  • Richard Nixon is re elected

    Richard Nixon is re elected but resigns just a few years later in 1974.
  • Equal Rights amendment

    Equal Rights amendment
    The Equal Rights amendment was passed on March 22 1972, stating that civil rights may not be denied on account of someone's gender.
  • Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War began after the French were vacated, and Vietnam was split between communism and the pro-west south. For 20 years, they were at war. Americans intervened in 1973.