
  • Geneva Summit

    The Geneva Summit of 1955 was during the Cold War era. It was a meeting held in Switzerland with President Eisenhower, Prime Minister Anthony Eden of Britain, Premier Nikolai A. Bulganin of Soviet Union, and Primse Minister Edgar Faure of France.
  • Minimun Wage

    Minimun wage in 1955 was $0.75 which is equal to $7.19.
  • Eisenhower’s heart attack

    Dwight Eisenhower suffered several serious ilnesses, in particular his massive heart attack that resulted in his death.
  • Rosa Parks Arrested

    Rosa Parks got arrested for standing up to the Alabama law requiring that black people sit at the back of the bus, and give up their seats for white people.
  • Interstate Highway System

    This law authorized the construction of a 41,000 mile network of interstate highways that span the United States.
  • Little Rock Desegregation

    Little Rock Nine were a group of African American students who were prevented from entering a racially segregated school.
  • JFK defeats Nixon and becomes President

    John Fitzgerald Kennedy, often reffered to as JFK, was an American politician who served as the 35th president of the United States, until his assasination near the end of his third year in office.
  • Bay of Pigs

    The Bay of Pigs Invasion was a failed operation of Cuba by Cuban exiles who opposed Fidel Castro’s Cuban Revolution.
  • Kennedy Assasination

    President of the United States, John Kennedy, was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade in downtown Dallas.
  • March on Pentegon

    The March on Pentegon was a massive demonstration against the Vietnam War. This protest involed more than 100,000 attendees.
  • MLK assassination

    Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated by James Earl Ray.
  • Nixon becomes President

    Richard Nixon was a member of the republican party who previously served as a representative and senator from California.
  • 26 Amendment

    This amendment was the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied to those of 18 years or older.