Apple Computer
Released 1st Apple Computer by Apple Computer Company -
Vietnam War
Space Race
Began when the Soviet Union responded to the US announcement four days earlier of intent to launch artificial satellites for the International Geophysical Year, by declaring they would also launch a satellite "in the near future". -
36th President of the U.S
John F. Kennedy served Jan. 1961 until assassinated in Nov. 1963. -
Lyndon B. Johnson served from Nov. 22,1963 to Jan. 20,1969.
Originally served as Vice President and became president after the assassination of former President Kennedy.
During his presidency Civil Rights legislation was passed. -
The North Vietnamese Army allegedly attack two U.S. destroyers sitting in international waters (the Gulf of Tonkin Incident). -
US sent army to Vietnam
The first U.S. ground combat unit of any branch to reach Vietnam -
Floppy Disk
Invented by Alan Shugart -
37th President of the U.S
Richard Nixon served from (1969 to 1974).
He was the 1st U.S. president to resign halfway through his second term due to the Watergate Scandal.
He helped end the Vietnam War and improve U.S. relations with the Soviet Union and China. -
Supreme Court legalized abortions in the United States.