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  • Brown vs. Board of Education.

    Supreme Court strikes down separate​ but equal.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks, a civil rights activist, refused to give her seat to a white person. Martin Luther King Jr. rises to prominence.
  • Eisenhower re-elected

  • Civil Rights Movement

    Non-violent protests for civil rights.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Countries could ask US for financial help if being threatened with aggression from another country.
  • Sputnik

    Soviets launch Sputnik and beat Americans in Space Race.
  • 1st US Satellite

  • NASA

    In response to Russian space travel.
  • Protest against segregation

  • John F Kennedy elected

    1st Catholic President/Youngest president. "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."
  • 23rd Amendment

    District of Columbia has the ​right to vote for President
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    CIA trained Cubans. April 17, 1961,​ landed in Cuba and crushed.
  • Vietnam War

    Troops committed, 60,000 American soldier lives lost, 3.3 million Vietnamese​ have died.
  • Peace Corp

    Volunteer program run by the US government, started by President Kennedy.
  • US enters Space Race

    Project Mercury, Alan Shepard, John Glenn, Project Apollo,Launch of Apollo - 1968
  • Berlin Crisis/Berlin Wall

    Built to keep East Berliners from escaping - built in 24 hours - 96 miles of barb wire. 1962 - second fence. 1975 - the permanent wall built.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Soviet Arms build-up on Cuba. Demanded to dismantle of Missle bases able to reach America. Blockade = act of aggression. October 28th - Soviets will be dismantled after Khrushchev​ and Kennedy talk.
  • Civil Rights March on Washington

    I Have a Dream Speech
  • JFK assassinated

    Johnson sworn in as President
  • 24th Amendment outlaws poll tax

    Outlaw poll tax that prevents Blacks from voting.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Equal Opportunity Commission - Outlaw racial segregation in public places.
  • War on Poverty

    Legislation introduced by President Johnson to address the 19% unemployment.
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Resolution to authorize Pres. Johnson to repel attacks against US armed forces by N. Vietnam.
  • Voting Rights Acts of 1965

    Outlaws literacy tests.
  • Malcom X assassinated

    Civil rights activist
  • N.O.W. formed

    Organization formed to help women in the workplace with equal pay and advancement.
  • France withdraws from NATO

  • Detroit Riot

    One of the bloodiest riots sparked by a police raid but underlying causes conflict between black and police, unemployment, racial segregation.
  • Martin Luther King assassinated

  • TET offensive

    North Vietnam offensive but was not a victory for tham.
  • Robert Kennedy assassinated

    Shot while campaigning for president.
  • Richard Nixon elected as President

  • Nixon and New Federalism

    Transferring federal power back to the states.
  • First Man on the Moon

    "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
  • Massacre at Kent State

    Anti-war protest and National Guard conflict. Open fired on students.
  • SALT Talks begin

    Arms control talks between US and Soviet Union.
  • EPA created

    Environmental​ Protection Agency
  • Nixon opens talks with China

    Nixon open talks with closed country China about trade.
  • Watergate

    Spying on Democrats
  • Nixon is re-elcted

  • Cease Fire in Vietnam

  • US forces withdrawal in Vietnam

  • Spiro Agnew resigns

    Federal tax evasion
  • Nixon Resigns but pardoned by Ford

    Nixon resigns amid the scandal of Watergate
  • Vietnam falls