Period: to
1954- 1975
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/french-defeated-at-dien-bien-phuA French garrison, trapped in the fortress of Dienbienphu in north vietnam, was under siege by Vietnamesev, eventually overrun on May 7. The fall of the fotress led to a multination conference at Geneva that separated Vietnam at the 17th parallel. -
Interstate highway act of 1956
http://nationalatlas.gov/articles/transportation/a_highway.htmlhttp://nationalatlas.gov/articles/transportation/a_highway.htmlPresident Eisenhower backed a $27 billion dollar project to build forty thousand miles of highway across the U.S. The purpose of this massive road system was to easily and rapidly transport materials and troops to respond to enemy aggression.The unanticipated side effect of this highway system was the speeded suburbanization and desertion of large cities. -
1956 Election
http://history.state.gov/milestones/1953-1960/EisenhowerDoctrinePresident Eisenhower was elected for his second term. He won over his previous opponent, Aldia Stevenson. Eisenhower won with 35 million votes to Adlai's 26 million and 457 to 73 in the electoral college. -
Eisenhower Doctrine
http://history.state.gov/milestones/1953-1960/EisenhowerDoctrinePresident Eisenhower and Congress pledged military and economic aid to Middle Eastern countries under the threat of communism. In the midst of the cold war, this doctrine reflected the containment policy of the United States. -
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
http://sclcnational.org/our-history/Martin Luther King, in an effort to utilize the power of black churches, formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The churches represented the largest and most organized black institution. By creating this organization, MLK was able to much more effectively mobilize civil rights campaigns. -
Little Rock's Central High School
http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/civilrights/ar1.htmThe governor of Arkansas called out the National Guard to prevent nine black students from enrolling in High School. Eisenhower was forced to send troops to the high school to escort children to their classes. -
http://www.nasa.gov/exploration/whyweexplore/Why_We_29.htmlEisenhower officially signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act into law on this day. The National Aeronautics and Space administration was created in response to Soviet success with sputnik. The fear of losing U.S. superiority, NASA was created. -
SIt in
http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/01/feb-1-1960-black-students-and-the-greensboro-sit-in/The beginnings of the sit in movement began on this day. Four black students demanded service at an all white lunch counter. After being refused service, they did not leave their seats. Over the next few days, more and more students began arriving to protest till eventually the number reached a thousand. This movement spread across the south, leading to the creation of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating committee,
Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghto -
President Kennedy
http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/Campaign-of-1960.aspxThe presidential race ended with Kennedy winning with a miniscule margin of 120,000 votes against Nixon. He became the first Roman Catholic to become president and the youngest. -
James Meredith and College
http://www.biography.com/people/james-meredith-9406314An air force veteran tried to enroll in college at the all white school of University of MIssissippi. Upon the day of registration, he found the way blocked and eventually a riot broke out. President Kennedy was forced to send 400 federal marshals to enroll him in class. -
Anti-Freedom RIde
http://www.core-online.org/History/freedom%20rides.htmA white mob attacked and destroyed a Freedom Ride BUs . Freedom Riders were trying to end segregation for interstate bus passengers. Washington was forced to dispatch federal marshals to protect Freedom Riders -
March on Washington
http://www.infoplease.com/spot/marchonwashington.htmlOn this day, 200,000 people gathered at Washington City to hear the famous speech delivered by Martin Luther King. In support of civil rights legislation, thousands gathered. -
Birmingham, 4 little girls
http://www.theroot.com/buzz/congress-honor-4-little-girls-birminghamA baptist church in Birmingham was rocked an explosion. This explosion killed four little girls. This horrible event lent fire to fight for civil rights. -
Coup against Diem
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB101/Despite initially backing southern government of vietnam under Diem, the U.S. staged a coup to remove him from power and stabilize the government. However , this action had the opposite effect. It began the process of a steadily disintegrating vietnamese government. Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006 -
Kennedy's assassination
http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/November-22-1963-Death-of-the-President.aspxKennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. The shooter, Lee Harvey, shot and killed the president. Eventually the assassin was kill on television by an outraged citizen, Jack Ruby, Kennedy's surprise death shocked the nation. -
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
http://bvapush.pbworks.com/w/page/4313738/Tonkin%20Gulf%20ResolutionThe resolution effectively handed a blank check to the president to use force in Vietnam and abdicated their war declaring powers. The resolution was made in response to an alleged vietnamese attack on U.S. ships. -
Civil Rights act of 1964
http://history.house.gov/HistoricalHighlight/Detail/37133This Act banned racial discrimination in private facilitites open to the public. Businesses like theaters, restaurants, and hospitals had to serve both blacks and whites. -
Free speech movement
http://studentantiwar.blogs.brynmawr.edu/stories-from-the-frontlines/frountline-in-usa/movements-that-inspire-us-berkeley-free-speech/Students, in an organized protest, fought a ban on the use of campus space for political debate. The protests continued for months, -
Election of 1964
http://www.npr.org/2004/11/02/4139094/the-landslide-election-of-1964Johnson won in a significant landslide. He won with a voting margin of nearly 17 million. Johnson had a record high 61% of the vote. -
Malcom X assassination
http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/21/feb-21-1965-malcolm-x-is-assassinated-by-black-muslims/The former spokesperson for the Nation of Islam and famed black separatist was shot and kill at age 39. An ardent believer of black supremacy, he believed blacks deserved a separate nation from the whites. -
Immigration and Nationality ACt of 1965
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5391395THe passage of this act abolished the national-origins quota .It set a limit on the number of immigrants from the Western Hemisphere but doubled the number of immigrants allowed to enter annually. -
Griswold v. Connecticut
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/landmark_griswold.htmlThe supreme court shot down a state law that prevented the use of birth control. The law even prevented its use in married couples. In a 7 to 2 decision, the court ruled that the law violated marital privacy -
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0707/5129.htmlThe creation of medicare on this day provided low cost hospitalization and medical care for elderly. Part of Lyndon's "great Society" initiative, medicare helped improve many american lives -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
http://www.core-online.org/History/voting_rights.htmSigned into law on this day, the act outlawed literacy tests which had been traditionally used to impede black voters. This act allowed thousands of blacks to register to vote and ultimately effect the law that governs them. -
http://www.vwam.com/vets/tet/tet.htmlOn vietnamese New year, 27 southern vietnamese cities were attacked by northern vietnam. This widespread offensive by North Vietnam was beaten back but succeeded in showing the futility of the war. -
MLK assassination
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/04/martin-luther-king-assassination-anniversary_n_3012831.htmlThe famed black rights activist and preacher, Martin Luther King, was assassinated after years of devoting his life to furthering of black rights. His violent death triggered a widespread outcry. -
Election of 1968
http://www.pbs.org/johngardner/chapters/5a.htmlNixon won the electoin on this day. He won as a minority president with less than 50% of the vote. He inherited a U.S. torn by civil rights issues and the vietnam war. -
http://www.history.com/topics/vietnamizationNixon announced a policy of vietnamization. It involved slowly pulling out troops while simultaneously training the South Vietnames troops to take over the war. -
http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/firstmoonlanding.htmA 24 billion dollar project culminated in the first human presence on the human. Originating as a proposal by Kennedy, the U.S. pushed its effort into putting men on the moon ahead of the Soviets. In the space race, the U.S. scored a major victory. -
Roe v Wade
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/nationnow/2012/01/marking-the-39th-anniversary-of-roe-v-wade.htmlThis supreme court case made a pivotal decision. In a momentous announcement, the supreme court had legalized abortion. This ruling has proved to be one of the most controversial judicial decisions. -
Gerald Ford
http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/geraldfordAfter Nixon and Vice President Agnew resigned, Gerald Ford became the first unelected president. Nixon was forced to resign after Watergate invents and an impeachment seemed imminent. After Ford gained presidency, he pardoned Nixon for his transgressions.