Brown vs. Board of Education
[Library of Congress](myloc.gov/Exhibitions/naacp/civilrightsera/ExhibitObjects/AttorneysforBrownvBoard) In this Supreme Court case, it was questioned if the seperate but equal policy was constitiutional, and in the Supreme Court ruling, it was declared unconstitutional, calling for desegregation. -
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Eisenhower Presidential Library Eisenhower graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point in 1915. From there, Eisenhower led a fantastic military career. He was a 5 star general of the US and recieved awards and honors from over 30 allied counries. After retiring from the military, he enjoyed many uneventful years until he began his presidential campaign in 1952. He became president for two terms with his Vice President Nixon. -
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Eisenhower's Presidency
Interstate Highway System
National Atlas Eisenhower had seen how the Germans had been able to move war materials quickly over highways in WWII and realized it was a necessity for the US to have an inter-state system as well. He created and signed the Federal Aid Highway Act in 1954 authorizing $a75 million to be used in the project. -
Geneva Conference
Clemson In the conference, the major powers decide Vietnam was to become an independent nation. A line was also to be drawn dividing North and South Vietnam, leaving Northern Vietnam communist and Southern Vietnam democratic -
Censoring of McCarthy
US Congress bio guide Senatior Joseph McCarthy was censured after creating a period of terror. He first accused many members of the state department of being communist, thus creating a frenzy in which no one was safe from his accusations. He finally accused members of the army of being communist and was censured in congress. President Eisenhower was not a fan of him, but decided to let him run his course. -
Emmett Till
American Black Holocaust Museum Emmett Till was taken from his home, beaten, tortured, killed, and run through a cotton gin for saying the words bye baby to a white woman. His mother insisted on a open casket funeral to show the world the cruelty. Till's death spurred a huge movement of younger generation african american movement. -
Rosa Parks Arrested
The Henry Ford Rosa Parks was sitting in the "colored" section of the bus, when a white man entered. According to the law, she was required to give up her seat to any white person in need of one, but she refused. Parks was arrested. Her arrest spurred the Montgomery bus boycott where all african americans refused to ride the bus anywhere in protest. -
Civil Rights Act
Eisenhower Library Eisenhower sent Congress a proposal for civil rights legislation resulting in the Civil Rights Act of 1953, the first civil rights act since the reonstruction. It aided African Americans in the right to vote, and established an official Civil RIghts Commission to fight against descrimination. -
Little Rock Nine
National Park Service Three years after the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling, Little Rock High School in Arkansas tried to integrate. Nine students tried to enter the school, but the senator had called the Arkansas National Guard to prevent them. Mobs of people surronded the students, Finally president Eisenhower called in Executive Order 10730 protecting the students with paratroopers, allowing them to enter. -
John F. Kennedy
JFK Presidential Library John FItzgerald Kennedy enrolled in Harvard in 1936, and just after his graduation, entered the navy. Upon returning home from the navy, Kennedy was awarded with the NavyMedal for his bravery and service. Kennedy was was the youngest man ever elected president and the first Catholic in office. Kennedys domestic policy was called the new frontier, -
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John F. Kennedy's Presidency
Creation of the Peace Corps
JFK Library JOhn F. Kennedy created the Peace Corps so young men and women, doctors, engineers, or anyone interested would be able to aid countries in need. He saw the Soviets sending people out of their country to aid and spread communism, motivating Kennedy to create a program that does the same with democracy. -
Freedom Rides
Stanford.edu White and black bus riders banded together and drove through the south testing the desegregation of transportation. The Congress of Racial Equality and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comittee joined together to organize the nonviolent civil disobedience movement. -
March on Washington
Stanford.edu In Auguest, 1963, 200,000 interracial demonstraters marched on Washington. It was designed to and succeed in pressuring JFK's administration to initiate a stronger civil rights bill. The March ended at the Lincoln memorial where speeches were given by influential people of color such as Martin Luther King in his famous "I have a Dream Speech." -
Church bombing
Illinois.edu Tensions in the South were high when civil rights groups entered BIrmingham to encourage black citizens to vote. The 16th street baptist church was sometimes used as a meeting place for influential black leaders. The church was blown up on August 28, killing four little girls. A man was prosecuted, but was found not guilty of murder. -
Kennedy's Assassination
JFK Library Kennedy went down to Dallas, Texas as he was planning on running for re election and wanted to ensure vitory in the state. He was met with opposition from some groups in Texas, so he felt this trip would smooth things out. At noon on November 22, Kennedy was driving through Dealey Plaza and was shot. -
Lyndon B. Johnson
Lyndon Johnson Presidential Library After Kennedy's assassination, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson stepped up and took over the presidency. Johnson had run against Kennedy in a previous election, but lost. After he became president he ran for a second term and won the highest percentage of the vote ever in a presidential race. -
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Lyndon Johnson's Presidency
Gulf of Tonkin
Department of Navy Washington became nervous that South Vietnam, a US alli, was going to fall to the communists, so America put military pressure on Ho Chi Minh's government in hopes they would lay off the troops. North Vietnam attacked two US destroyers and Johnson ordered retaliation. The Tonkin Gulf Resolution enabled Johnson to employ military force in Vietnam as he saw fit. -
Assassination of Malcom X
Colorado State.edu Malcom X, a radical civil rights leader and devote Muslim, knew he was constantly threatened with assassination, but consistently refused police escort. While preparing for a speech, Malcom was shot by three black men. Many think that it was not only the work of Muslims, but also other, collaborating groups. -
Medicare Amendment to the Social Security Act
LBJ Library Because Johnson was conserned and empathetic to those affected by poverty, he was influenced to sign the Medicare and Medicade amendments. These amendments put federally funded health care into place, making a "wide range of health and medical services [available] to Americans of all ages"( Johnson). -
Johnson appoints Thurgood Marshall
American Library Johnson appointed the first African-American cabinet member and US Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall. Marshall was aproved by the senate and served for a total of 24 years. Marshall had originally been appointed to a state judge postition by Kennedy, and was met with some opposition, but was easily approved for the Supreme Court. -
Tet Offensive
Ohio State University North Vietnamese troops along with Viet Cong troops attacked towns and cities of South Vietnam on the Vietnamese holiday Tet. The communists attacked around a hundred major Southern Vietnamese cities. The communists met heavy resistance and the US along with South Vietnamese troops fought back. -
Operation Rolling Thunder
Global Securtiy.org Operation Rolling Thunder was comprised of interrupted bombing on North VIetnam in an attempt to defeat Ho Chi Minh. This bpombing campaign ended in October 1968. -
Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
Nobel Peace Prize.org Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights leader who preached nonviolence, was assassinated on the balconey of his motel by James Earl Ray in Memphis, Tennessee. King was there to lend support to striking garbage workers. -
Paris Peace Talks Begin
Illinois.edu Vietnamese and Americans agree on a meeting place and time to talk about a resolution to the war. They meet in Paris with Averell Harriman representing the United States, and former Foreign Minister Xuan Thuy representing North Vietnam. -
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon Presidential LibraryRIchard Nixon worked his way up the political ladder slowly. He strated as a congressman, then senator, then Vice President, and finally President. He was elected for two presidential terms, but never finished his second term as he was faced with the descision of impeachment or resignation. He chose to resign. -
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Richard Nixon's Presidency
Men on the Moon
Nixon Library Under President Nixon, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong became the first men to set foot on the moon, while the third man in Apollo 11, Michael Collins orbited the moon. Nixon made the "longest distanced telephone call ever made" to the astranauts in space from the oval office -
Emerson Kent.com People working on the committee to reelect Nixon were caught breaking in to the offices of the Democratic National Convention. They were installing cameras and taking pictures of files. Nixon knew about the events, claimed he didn't, and paid hush money to those involved. Nixon was charged with obstruction of jusitce.
Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Hough -
Gerald Ford
Gerald Ford Presidential Library Gerald Ford was born Leslie Lynch King Jr. but when his father left him and his mom, his mom remarried and his step father adopted him, changing his name. Ford was a sports phenominon. He recieved two professional football offers, but turned them down to go to college and pursue law. After Nixon's resignation. Ford stepped up an became president. -
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Gerald Ford's Presidency
Ford pardons Nixon
UCSB President Project Just a couple months after becoming president, Ford pardons Nixon for all his crimes, guity or not. Ford does this because he wants the national nightmare to end, though many Americans are unhappy with this desicion as Nixon was criminal. -
Whip Inflation Now Speech
Scripps Archives Infaltion was running rampid and Ford wanted to combat that. In his "Whip Inflation Now Speech," Ford motivated and encouraged combating inflation.