Dwight Eisenhower Elected President
List of PresidentsEisenhower won the 1954 election by a landslide in the electoral college against Adlai Stevenson. However, the race was close when it came to the populous vote. Eisenhower was successful due to his war hero tittle and his grandfatherly personality. -
Second Red Scare
The Red ScareDuring the Cold War, the homefront in the US was very fragile. A Second Red Scare broke out due to McCarthyism scaring the people into believing that the USSR hired spies to work in the US government. -
Geneva Conference
[geneva](Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006)In Geneva, Switzerland, a conference was held to decide what to do with Vietnam. They were going to attempt to unite it peacefully, but it was never worked out and Vietnam was split into a northern and southern section -
Brown v Board of Education
In this case brought to the Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall argued that segregated schools were in violation against the 14th ammendment. This case overturned the "Seperate, but equal" statement from the Plessy v Fergason case. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa PArks ignites a bus boycott because she refuse to give her seat to a white on the bus. The bus boycott carried on for 381 days, until busses were desegregated. -
Death Of Emmett Till
Emmett TillWhen only 14 years old, Emmett till whistled at another young white woman. A group of white men then found Emmett Till and mutily beat him until he finally died. Till served as a martyr for the civil rights cause and brought the spotlight to the racism in the south. -
Interstate Highway System
Interstate Highway SystemDue to Cold WAr jitters, Eisenhower took under on one of the most extensice country wide projects. It was also very liberal for a republican president to do. The main reason the Interstate Highway System was built was because of fear of a war. Weapons and soldiers needed to be moved rapidly throughout the country and the highway system made it possible. -
Little Rock Central High School Desegregates
Little Rock Nine After Little Rock school board votes to integrate schools, National Guard troops and huge mobs of people prevent "The Littlerock Nine" from attending school. 1000 federal paratroopers are needed to escort black students into class. -
JFK Elected President
JFK PresidentJFK became the first Catholic president in US history. He was very young, handsome, and charasmatic. He used the television to gain much of his support and he was quite the celebrity. -
The Bay of Pigs invasion
When JFK came into office, he inhertited the Bay of Pigs Invasion plan. In this invasion 1200 exiled Cuban anitcommunists invaded Cuba's Bay of Pigs. They were attempting to overthrough Fidel Castro, but it failed. JFK took full responsibilty for the failure which was an excellent move. He gained AMerican trust and support.
Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006 -
Peace Corps
JFK proposes that the US start an army of idealistic and mostly youthful volunteers to bring AMerican skills to underdeveloped nations.
Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006 -
Desegregation Drive In Birmingham
BirminghamIn April of 1963, SCLC led my MLK protested in Birmingham. They were opposing the segregation laws in Birmingham. The protestors were beat, fire hosed, and even attacked by K9 units. -
March on Washington
On August 28, 1963 200,000 blacks and whites met outside the Lincoln Memorial building to listen to speeches from different civil rights leaders. MLK gave his "I Have a Dream" speech here. -
Bombing of a Birmingham Church
Bombing in BirminghamWhile attending church, a bomb planted by pro-segregation detinated, killing 4 young black women. Gained a lot of national attention. -
Lindon Johnson
LBJAfer the assasination of JFK, his vice president Lindon B. Johnson became president. Johnson was an in-your-face kind of guy and was quite intimidating. He usually got what he wanted by bullying his collegues around. -
The Civil Rights Act
LBJ fought for the Civil Rights Act to be passed in repect of JFK. He honored how hard JFK fought to get it passed. The Civil Rights Act banned racial discrimination in most private facilities open to the public, icluding theatres, hospitals and restaurants.
Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006 -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Tonkin ResolutionThe Gulf of Tonkin Resloution was made to give the president the complete right to wage war. It was a result of the alleged unprovoked attack on the USS Madoxx by 3 north vietnamese torpedo ships, -
The Great Society
The Great SocietyThe Great Society was Johnsons attack on poverty and discrimination. He looked up to FDR and the Great Society was a very FDR thing to do. It was a very liberal time in US history -
Operation Rolling Thunder
rolling thingerOpereration Rolling Thunder was the commitment to gradual increase the aerial bombing of North Vietnam. The goal of the bombings was to fatigue the communitst into submission, although they never did. -
Selma to Montgomery March
Selma to MontgomeryMartin Luther KingJr. leads a 54 mile march from Selma to Montgomery for voting rights for blacks. The marchers were attacked by police and were terrorized by Gov. Wallace. Eventually they reached Montgomery and recieved national attention. -
Voting rights Act
Voting Rights ActAfter the passage of this Act, voting percentages from African Americans rose tremendously. Black voter registraton rose from 7% to 67% percent and many black officials were elected to various places in the government. -
Watts Riots
WattsIn 1965 riots erupted over the arrests of two black men for drunk driving. Because of the racial tension in the area, a mob formed and violence broke out in Watts resulting in injury, looting and 34 deaths. -
Tet Offensive
[Tet OFfensive](Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006)On the holliday of Tet, a cease fire was signedfor the two days of worship. However, the Vietcong and North Vietnamese planned many surprise attacks on American and South Vietnamese camps. The US lost no battles. -
Richard Nixon
NixonNixon was elected president in 1968, in one of the closest elections in US history, He set out out to unify the country and to end the war in Vietnam. -
When Nixon was inaugurated in 1969, he made it his goal to unite the American people. The first issue dividing the nation was the Vietnam war. The country was divided between people who supported the war and people who did not. Nixon began the process of Vietnamization, where Nixon would withdrawl 540,000 US soldiers.
Kennedy, David., et al. The American Pageant. Thirteenth edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006 -
Watergate Scandal
Watergate ScandalPresident Nixon was always known for his paranoid personality. He was nervous for the upcoming election so he hired 5 people to break into the democratic campaign offices at Watergate with the purpose of stealing files and installing devices to spy on the opposing campaign. He was caught and eventually was forced to resign. -
Pardon of Nixon
PardonWhen a president is elected, they are allowed one pardon of a criminal. Geral Ford chose Richard Nixon, this was a surprise to many AMericans. Some felt that Ford went to easy on Nixon. It was controversial. -
WIN Program
At home, inflation was dangerously high, so Ford made a speach where he mentioned "Whipping Inflation Now!" It was his goal to keep inflation very low -
Gerald Ford
FordGerald Ford Was the only president in US history that was not elected, because Nixon resigned, he was chosen. The FBI conducted an extensive background check on him to ensure his safety as a president. -
The Fall OF Saigon
SaigonAs the US pulled out of the war, North Vietnam was gaining more are more power. Eventually the communists neared Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam. The US attempted to evacuate as many people as they could as the communists were approaching.