
APUSH timline 1952-1960


    This organization was a co-operation of Australia, New Zealand, and the US in defence matters in the Pacific Ocean area. It was meant to fight against Communist China and Soviet Powers.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act

    Immigration and Nationality Act
    This act established quota systems for regions and abolished racial restrictions. It allowed the deportation of those involved in treacherous activities. It was an attempt to keep Communists from coming into the U.S.
  • Eisenhower elected

    Eisenhower elected
    This began the "Eisenhower Era." Eisenhower was very popular, appearing on the new and exciting television during his campaign. His administration wassupposedly based on "dynamic consevatitism."
  • Polio vaccine

    Polio vaccine
    The vaccine was developed by Jonas Salk, he annouced its success on the radio. This began a new era in medical research. Vaccines could prevent many of the diseases that had high mortality rates and little or no cure.
  • Period: to

    Cuban Revolution

    This revolution was a revolt led by Fidel Castro against President Fulgencio Batista. It ended the reign of one dictator and began that of another.
  • Korean Armistice Agreement

    Korean Armistice Agreement
    This ended the Korean War. After threatening to use an atomic bomb, Eisenhower succeeded in getting Korea to agree to an armistice. Although the agreement was made, Korea violated the armistice many times.
  • End of Cold War

    End of Cold War
    The Cold War was an intense time of suspicion and fear. The threat of an attack constantly loomed overhead. With the end of this war, America was able to feel confident and safe again.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This court case decided that segregation of public schools is unconstitutional by the 14th Amendment. After this decision, schools began to integrate, and the barriers between races were slowly torn down.
  • US joins SEATO

    US joins SEATO
    SEATO was an international organization meatn to prevent further communist gains in Southeast Asia. It inlcuded Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, the UK, and now the US.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Polotical and military alliance between Soviet Union and several Eastern European countries. This was partially in response to the formation of NATO.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat
    This event was the beginning of the modern Civil Rights Movement. Parks was fighting against the segregation that plagued African American livelihood.
  • The Federal-Aid Hgihway Act

    The Federal-Aid Hgihway Act
    Eisenhower ensures the passage of this act which planned to build 41,000 miles of Interstate Highway System over 10 years. This was important because it connected the U.S. nationwide and changed the face of transportation. It was the largest public works project up to that time.
  • Eisenhower reelected

    Eisenhower reelected
    Eisenhower ran against Democratic candidate Adlai Stevenson and won by a landslide. This was the first campaign in which the candidates used television ads to reach out to voters.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    Eisenhower promises military or economic aid to any Middle Eastern country that needs help to resist communism. The goal was to keep countries economically independent from Communist forces.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Civil Rights Act of 1957
    This act followed the court decision of Brown vs. Board of Education and decreed that all American citizens have the right to vite regardless of race. The bill showed much needed support from the federal government, but they had a difficult time enforcing it.
  • Soviet launches Sputnik I

    Soviet launches Sputnik I
    With the lunch of this satellite, the USSR spaked the beginning of the Space Race. NASA was formedshortly after this, and America and the USSR raced to get ahead of each other in space technology.
  • NASA created

    NASA created
    Established in response to Sputnik I, NASA (Nattional Aeronautics and Space Administration) was meant to regain America's name as the leader in space and flight technology. However, it was not very successful until the next decade.
  • Alaska becomes a state

    Alaska becomes a state
    Alaska was the 49th state to join the Union. Most of it is national forrest or some other form of pulic land.
  • Hawaii becomes a state

    Hawaii becomes a state
    Hawaii was the 50th and last state. It it the only island state, and its economy is based on tourism.
  • Landrum-Griffin Act

    Landrum-Griffin Act
    This was the first law to regulate labor unions' affairs internally and with employers. This led to a decrease in the corruption of unions and promoted eqaulity among them.