Oil Industry
The oil industry nationalized a holiday -
Oil Industry
In 1951 Iran's Parliament voted to nationalize the oil industry -
Dr. Albrights speech
Britain initiated the plot -
Unexpected development
An unexpected development pushed the plot forward -
Bring Mosaddeq down
1 million dollars got approved to be used to bring Mosaddeq down -
Norman Darbyshire
The agency sent Doctor Wilber to Cyprus to meet Norman Darbyshire -
The plan
President Eisenhower finally signed off on the plan -
British Agency
Another British agency gained Ashraf access -
The Shah
The Shah bolted to Baghdad -
Dismissing Mosaddeq
Shah announces that he signed the decrees, one dismissing Mosaddeq -
Shah and the queen
The Shah and the Queen Soraya arrive in Rome -
Holy way against communism
CIA arranged a meeting for General Zahedi, other key Iranian agents, and army officers. They agreed to start a counter attack, and sent a leading cleric from Tehram to the holy city of Qom to try and orchestrate a call for a holy way against communism. -
Mr.Love wrote in a paper that he "was responsible, in an impromptu sort of way, for speeding the final victory of the royalists" -
He left The New York Times -
Dr. Mosaddeq died from throat cancer -
When the revolution brought the clerics to power in 1979, anti-shah nationalists tried to revive Dr. Mosaddeq's memory. -
Donald Wilber
Donald Wilber died at the age of 89 -
In campaigns for local elections in February 1999 and parliamentary elections a year later, reformists advertising made use of Dr. Mosaddeq's sad, elongated face -
Abolish a holiday
In August, Parliament approved a bill to abolish a holiday marking the nationalization of the oil industry in 1951 -
Reinstate the holiday
Legislators were forced to reinstate the holiday marking the nationalization of the oil industry