1950s Timeline

  • Containment Policy of Communism

    Containment Policy of Communism
    Policy by the US, component of the Cold War, and was in response to moves by the Soviet Union.
  • 1950 U.S. Census

    1950 U.S. Census
    April 1, 1950 / 152.3 million
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    June 25, 1950 - Korean War began when North Korea went across the 38th parallel and the war ended in July 1953.
  • First Hydrogen Bomb Tests

    First Hydrogen Bomb Tests
    November 1, 1952 / Ivy Mike was the codename given to the first test.
  • Presidential Election of 1952

    Presidential Election of 1952
    Dwight D. Eisenhower won the election of 1952.
  • Polio vaccines begin

    Polio vaccines begin
    In 1952, Jonas Stalk and his team at the University of Pittsburgh created the first polio vaccine that was effective and by 1954 they tested it nationwide.
  • Rosenbergs Espionage Trial

    Rosenbergs Espionage Trial
    Julius Rosenberg and his wife Ethel were executed on June 19, 1953.
  • CIA assists overthrow of government in Iran 1954

    CIA assists overthrow of government in Iran 1954
  • McCarthy Congressional hearings looking for communists

    Series of hearings held by the US Senate's Subcommittee on investigations between April 1954 and June 1954.
  • Brown V. The Board of Education

    1954; Topeka, Kansas; Court decided that "separate but equal" standards of segregation were unconstitutional.
  • U.S. government orders all public schools to be integrated

  • McDonald’s company founded by Ray Kroc

    1955; Ray Kroc built it into the most successful fast food operation in the world.
  • U.S. government agrees to train Vietnamese soldiers in Vietnam

  • Disneyland opens

    Opened July 17, 1955, in California.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat

    December 1, 1955; Rosa refused to giver her seat up to a white passenger and was arrested.
  • Southern Congressmen resist desegregation with Southern Manifesto

    March 12, 1956
  • Federal Aid-Highway Act

    June 29, 1956; National Interstate and Defense Highways Act - authorized the construction of a 41,000-mile network of interstate highways that would span the nation.
  • Presidential Election of 1956

    Dwight D. Eisenhower successfully ran for re-election.
  • National Guard called to Little Rock, Arkansas Central High School

    Sep. 4 1957; a white mob was gathered in front of Central High and Governor Orval Faubus deployed the Arkansas National Guards to prevent the black students from entering the school.
  • Alaska becomes a state

    January 3, 1959
  • Hawaii becomes a state

    August 21, 1959.
  • U.S. recognizes Fidel Castro as leader of Cuba

    January 7, 1959 the US recognizes the new Cuban government.
  • Jimmy Hoffa arrested by FBI

    Union activist and important figure with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) union and was convicted of jury tampering, attempted bribery, and fraud in 1964 and he disappeared in 1975, declared dead in 1982.