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  • Korean War begins

    Korean War begins
    The Korean War begins its three year conflict when troops of North Korea, backed with Soviet weaponry, invade South Korea. This act leads to U.S. involvement when two days later, the United States Air Force and Navy are ordered by President Truman to the peninsula. On June 30, ground forces and air strikes are approved against North Korea. Over 55,000 American troops were killed in this war. It was one of the bloodiest and gruesome wars ever. There were many torture ways that us americans did to
  • DNA Discovery

    DNA Discovery
    Two main groups working on DNA structure t same time
    Watson and Crick at Cambridge University
    Wilkins and Franklin at King’s College in London
    Cambridge group worked on physical models to narrow possibilities
    King’s group worked experimentally
    Franklin showed that DNA had a helix shape using x-rays
    Wilkins showed her work to Watson and Crick
    Watson and Crick used this information to show that DNA was a double helix, one helix going up and the other down
    Almost immediately accepted by scientific
  • Polio Vaccine Created

    Polio Vaccine Created
    Polio has been a disease that has been around forever. There is no cure for the disease once you get it, but Jonas Salk introduced a way to prevent this horrible disease. This viral disease attacks the nerve cells and occasionally the central nervous system. Causing muscle wasting, paralysis and sometimes even death. The early symptoms are flu symptoms. It is most common in children although adults can have it too. Salk was a medical student at the University of Michigan where he studied many vi
  • John Wayne - Hondo

    John Wayne - Hondo
    November 27, 1953 one of the greatest movies came out. Hondo Lane, a despatch rider for the cavalry, encounters Angie Lowe, a woman living alone with her young son in the middle of hostile Apache territory. She thinks she is safe because the Apaches, under control of chief Vittorio, have always left them alone. Later Hondo has a runs into Angie's husband and is forced to kill him, not knowing who he is. Vittorio captures Hondo and to save his life, Angie tells the Apache chief that Hondo is her
  • Brown vs. Board

    Brown vs. Board
    1954 There was a court case called Brown vs. Board of education. The Supreme Court Justice, Earl Warren gave the unanimous vote. The state law of segregation of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment. The 14th amendment talks about citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws. It was created because of the slaves after the American Civil War. Brown vs. Board was held in Topeka, Kansas, but included kids from other places. They wanted to know if having kids treated the same,
  • Disneyland first opens

    Disneyland first opens
    Disneyland Opens- On the date of July 17, 1955, Disneyland opened for a private event, where only certain people were invited. The following day the park opened to the public. The 160-acre land that the park was built on used to be a old orange orchard. Disneylands total cost was $17 million. Walt Disney came up with the idea of the park while sitting on a bench every Sunday watching his two daughters play on the carousel. Disney dreamed about his park and where and what and how big it would be.
  • The Searchers - John Wayne

    The Searchers - John Wayne
    The movie The Searchers was a great movie that came out in March 13th, 1956. Starring John Wayne as Ethan Edwards he returned from the Civil War to the Texas ranch of his brother, hopes to find a home with his family and to be near the woman he obviously but secretly loves. But a Comanche raid destroys these plans, and Ethan sets out, along with his Indian nephew named Martin, on a year long journey to find the niece kidnapped by the Indians under Chief Scar. But as the quest goes on, Martin beg
  • Elvis Makes Final Ed Sullivan Appearance

    Elvis Makes Final Ed Sullivan Appearance
    In the fall and winter of 1956 Elvis made three separate appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show. Ed originally did not want Elvis on the show because his show on CBS was a family show and he thought Elvis was not appropriate. It was not until Elvis’s appearance on a rival NBC show that Ed agreed to have him on. The first show Elvis was on went well and the second appearance went even better in the ratings. However the media was outraged by his performance. Because of this, during the third show CBS
  • Soviet Sputnik Launch

    Soviet Sputnik Launch
    The Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik 1. It was the world’s first artificial satellite and was what spurred the creation of NASA. The satellite was about the size of a beachball and weighed 184 pounds. Sputnik orbited around the Earth in an elliptical path that took only 98 minutes. Then on November third the Sputnik II was launched. This satellite carried more cargo including a dog named Laika. The Sputnik I and Sputnik II launches propelled the world into the space age and caused Amer
  • NASA was founded

    NASA was founded
    Nasa was created- Nasa was found on July 29, 1958, by The United State of America, The goal of NASA was too beat the soviets, or so called the “space race”. NASA was soon created after a couple attempts of putting satellites in the air. The “Vanguard” was the very first model built by the US, it took off and only went a couple feet in the air before blowing up. The second satellite was the “Explorer 1” that satellite actually orbited the earth one time but people thought we needed a more organi
  • Alaska joins the Union

    Alaska joins the Union
    Alaska joins the US- Alaska joins the Union on January 3, 1959. Alaska was brought into the Union as the 49th and largest state. On March 30, 1867, William H. Seward signed a treaty with russia for Alaska. The US bought Alaska for $7.2 million. Everyone thought that Seward was crazy for wanting to have Alaska they even made names for him like; “Seward's Icebox” or “Seward’s folly”. In 1898 the discovery of gold brought only good to America.
  • Hawaii joins the Union

    Hawaii joins the Union
    Hawaii became the 50th state in the US on August, 21 1959. Hawaii is the only United State’s state that is completely surrounded in water and also the only state that is made up of all islands. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a proclamation admitting Hawaii as our 50th state. Also our flag got 50 stars one for each state. The new flag became official July 4th, 1960. The first settlers of Hawaii were Polynesian voyagers then american went to the island to use their land. American missionar