1950's Timeline

  • first nuclear powered Aircraft Carrier by USA

    first nuclear powered Aircraft Carrier by USA
    It was the longest ship ever built by the navy and weighed 93,284 tons. She was ranked the 12th heviest supercarrier. and had a crew of about 4,600 people
  • John F. Kennedy elected president

    John F. Kennedy elected president
    John F. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon By one of the most close votes. And At 43 was the youngest man elected president and the first Catholic President as well.
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    It was one of the worst days in the cold war and the bomb was 90 miles from Florida
  • March on washington

    March on washington
    Over 200,000 people gathered at Washington D.C. for jobs and freedom. it was Orginized by religious groups and civil rights. They wanted to show politics how hard it was being black in the United States.
  • China announces they have a h bomb

    When they tested the bomb it caused a 5.1 earthquake
  • King assassinated

    King assassinated
    shot in the back of the neck by a sniper, some people tried to get him to the hospital but he didn't make it. He was 39 when he died
  • Nixon elected president

    Nixon elected president