1950's Technology

By Luke V.
  • The Credit Card

    The Credit Card
    Frank Mcnamara and Ralph Schneider first introduced the first-ever credit card, and the popularity grew not having to carry a bunch of money everywhere.
  • Transistor Radio

    Transistor Radio
    Texas Instruments Invented the Transistor radio. The transistor radio's whole purpose was to pick up signals and play music. Typically used by Workers in some sort of field.
  • Artificial Satellite

    Artificial Satellite
    The Soviet Union launched sputnik with Sergei Korolev as the chief designer and he takes most credit. This was a huge advancement because no human or machine had ever been above the earth USA and China were close behind in the space race.
  • The Pacemaker

    The Pacemaker
    The pacemaker is used to control or increase heartbeat this is typically what patients are on when their heart can't function properly. This has saved and preserved many lives.
  • Photo copy machines

    Photo copy machines
    Haloid Xerox 914 was the first capable machine to make duplicates on regular paper without reliance on special chemicals.