
  • First Modern Credit Card Introduced

    First Modern Credit Card Introduced
    20,000 people were using the Diners Club credit card.
  • Pres. Harry Truman

    Pres. Harry Truman
    ( 'til 1952) approves production of the hydrogen bomb and sends air force and navy to Korea in June.
  • - Transcontinental television

    - Transcontinental television
    begins with a speech by Pres. Truman.
  • The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952

    The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952
    removes racial and ethnic barriers to becoming a U.S. citizen.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Dwight D. Eisenhower
    Dwight D. Eisenhower is president through 1961
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
    are electrocuted for their part in W.W.II espionage.
  • fighting

    Fighting ends in Korea.
  • Racial segregation is ruled unconstitutional

    Racial segregation is ruled unconstitutional
    in public schools by the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy

    U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy
    begins televised hearings into alleged Communists in the army.
  • Dr. Jonas Salk

    Dr. Jonas Salk
    developed a vaccine for polio
  • American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations

    American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations
    merge making the new AFL-CIO an organization with 15 million members
  • Rosa Parks refuses

    Rosa Parks refuses
    to give up her seat on a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
  • The Federal Highway Act

    The Federal Highway Act
    is signed, marking the beginning of work on the interstate highway system.
  • Explorer I

    Explorer I
    the first U.S. satellite, successfully orbits the earth.
  • Alaska and Hawaii

    Alaska and Hawaii
    become the forty-ninth and fiftieth states