
  • Conglomerates

    Many white-collar workers performed their services in large corporations or government agencies.
  • Dinners Culb.

    Dinners Culb.
    The first credit card.
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    Truman orders development of hydrogen bomb.
  • Alan Freed

    Alan Freed
    A clevlan ohio d.j, and was the first to play rock n roll music.
  • Golden Age Of T.v.

    Golden Age Of T.v.
    Comedy shows were popular like miltin eral, and i love luckey
  • Japanese peace treaty

    Japanese peace treaty signal is san francisco by 49 nature.
  • George VI & Elizabeth II

    George VI & Elizabeth II
    George VI dies; His daughter and becomes elizabeth II.
  • Eisenhower

    Eisenhower won 55 percent of the popular vote and a majority of the electoral college votes, while the republicans narrowly captured congress.
  • Stalin

    Stalin Dies.
  • The cinemasciope

    The cinemasciope
    Introuduce by 20th centry fox, and project a wide angl image on a broad screen.
  • Terminatin poilcy

    Terminatin poilcy
    stop resovation systen and divided tribal land among native americans.
  • Julius & Ethel

    Julius and ethel rosen bery executed in siry siny prison.
  • Mcdondal's

    First franchise.
  • The organzation man.

    The organzation man.
    The study of subrban park forest illnosise, And they wanted everyone to be the same for the comminity.
  • Baby Boom.

    Baby Boom.
    Height of the baby boom 1 infant is born every 7 seconds.
  • NASA

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is established.
  • New Power in Cuba

    New Power in Cuba
    Fidel Castro comes to power in Cuba
  • African Countires

    African Countires
    Seventeen African countries gain independence
  • New Leadership for the 60's

    New Leadership for the 60's
    John F. Kennedy is elected president.
  • Presidency

    John F. Kennedy is elected president.
  • First Human in outer space.

    First Human in outer space.
    Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human in outer space.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    U.S. Launches the Bay of Pigs invasion.
  • drug thalidomide

    drug thalidomide
    The drug thalidomide is pulled from the market after it is found responsible for thousands of birth defects in Europe.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis.

    Cuban Missile Crisis.
    U.S. and USSR face off in the Cuban missile crisis,
  • assassination

    President Kennedy is assassinated; Lyndon B. Johnson becomes president.
  • President

    Lyndon B. Johnson is elected president.
  • troops entering.

    troops entering.
    U.S. Troops enter Vietnam.
  • Prime minister of India.

    Indira Gandhi becomes prime minister of India
  • Isreal wins Arab territories..

    Isreal wins Arab territories..
    Israel wins Arab territories in the Six Day War.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Warsaw Pact troops invade Czechoslovakia.
  • inaugrated..

    U.S. President Richard Nixon is inaugurated; promises "peace with honor" to end the Vietnam War.
  • Vietnam war ends

    Vietnam war ends
    Agreement to end war to reastore peace. North Vietnamese troops to stay in south.
  • Lieutenat Colna robert steam

    Lieutenat Colna robert steam
  • War powers act

    President must inform congress withuin 48 hours before sending troops into a hostile area without decleration of war.
  • North & South..

    North & South..
    North and South Vietnam Join to Form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • Bicenntentil

    200 day...
  • Elvis..

    Elvis Found Dead
  • Steve Biko

    Steve Biko
    South African Anti-Apartheid Leader Steve Biko Tortured to Death
  • test tube

    test tube
    First Test-Tube Baby Born
  • Becomes Pope

    Becomes Pope
    John Paul II Becomes Pope
  • First woman prime minister

    First woman prime minister
    Margaret Thatcher First Woman Prime Minister of Great Britain
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    Mother Teresa Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize