• president

    Harry S. Truman
    Born in Missouri
    In world war two doped bomb on japan
    Died in Kansas city mo from drug over do
  • cars

    Chevrolet Corvette
    Fastes car in this time
    Could get up in 7.2 sec
    Used for racing
  • electronics

    Made writing 100 times easy
    Made idea of a computer
    Had the idea for along time
  • movies

    The Mummy Made in 1959 in britan
    Made after mummy ghost
    Movie so good made 7 re makes
  • new events

    new events
    The peanuts was crate
    Happened in 1950
    Know has over 50 comics
    And they have own movies
  • toys

    barbie Mr, p head Play doh 1952 over 1000 barbies were brought that year
    1950 statred with a person playing with there food
    1950 was first made as wallpaper cleaner
  • fashion

    Skirts dresses suits 1953 skirts blasted off
    1957 almost evryone had a dress
    1950-1960 made us look resptble for women
  • sport stars

    College: San Francisco.
    Won the super bowl in 1957
    In the hall of fame put in 2011
  • muisc

    Jhon lendon Ray charlies Perry como
    1950 he got shot 2 times in the chest and died 1980
    1950 was still sing at age 65
    Alzheimer's disease died 1950
  • shows

    I love lucy
    Was most watched tv show of that time
    Had many names before i love lucy like “ lucys comdy hour”
    More than 8 million views
  • actor

    Marilyn Monroa
    She spent most of her life in foster homes
    She died of a drug over dose
    Act in 50 movies