1950 - 1980 Timeline - Carlos Choppin

  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    A war between North Vietnam (a communist country) and South Vietnam. The US supported the South side of Vietnam with the hope of stopping the spread of communism. The war lasted around 20 years.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    When a Little Rock Central High School didn't allow 9 African Americans into their previously all white School and the situation was so bad to the point where the President had to send in para troopers to end the conflict.
  • Hippie Movement

    Hippie Movement
    A movement by "Hippies" against the Vietnam War. It started after the Assassination of JFK and grew in popularity during the Vietnam. People who participated would sometimes use mind altering drugs and listened to new music.
  • The KKK

    The KKK
    A group of White Supremisists that performed hate crimes in the early 1920s began to gain popularity during the 1960s and the civil rights movement. They performed murders and lynchings of people of color.
  • University of Alabama Desegregated

    University of Alabama Desegregated
    The University was desegregated and when African Americans attempted enroll in the school the Governor physically blocked the students from entering the enrollment office
  • The Assassination Of JFK

    The Assassination Of JFK
    On November 22, 1963, while the President was on a parade route in Dallas he was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    This was a group led by Huey P. Newton that worked to protect the African American people through Self defense. Huey's arrest caused outrage across the world and helped the party grow.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    This was a race between the Soviet union and the US in an attempt to reach the moon first. The soviets were the first to reach the moon with drones but the Us sent the first humans to the moon on the Apollo 11
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    It was an exchange between China and the US of ping pong players. It led to better relation between the nations and eventually president Nixon visited Beijing
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    A scandal that happened during Nixon's presidency involving Nixon. Nixon tried to secure re election by trying to gain Intel by sneaking into the democratic party and trying to get information.
  • Apple

    A company founded by Steve Jobs that was set on trying to make computers more affordable for all people and has since then grow into one f the biggest companies in the world.
  • John Lennon and his asassination

    John Lennon and his asassination
    Was an English Singer/songwriter in the group called The Beatles who were considered one of the greatest bands of all times. He was assassinated on Dec 8 1980.