
  • war in Korea

  • Mass production of computers began

  • Rock and roll and colour TV starts in USA

  • The still camera is given a built in flash

  • Churchill became Prime Minister in UK under Conservatives

  • DNA Discovered

  • Joseph Stalin Dies

  • First Atomic Submarine Launched

  • Report Says Cigarettes Cause Cancer

  • Segregation Ruled Illegal in U.S.

  • James Dean Dies in Car Accident

  • McDonald's Corporation Founded

  • Hungarian Revolution

  • T.V. Remote Control Invented

  • European Economic Community Established

  • Dr. Seuss Publishes The Cat in the Hat

  • NASA Founded

  • Hope Diamond is Donated to the Smithsonian

  • The Sound of Music Opens on Broadway

  • Castro Becomes Dictator of Cuba

  • First Televised Presidential Debates

  • Lasers Invented