1947 United Nations Partition Plan

  • The United Nations Partition Plan

    The United Nations Partition Plan
    The United Nation Day was offically designated by the General Assembly in 1947. It started in 1948.
  • 1948 Palestine War

    1948 Palestine War
    The Arab- Isreal war marked the end of the British Mandate and brought the birth of Isreal. Then Transjorden, Egypt, Syria, and Irag intervened and attacked the Isreal army.
  • Palestine Liberation Organization

    Palestine Liberation Organization
    Palestine Liberation Organization was a cordinating council for Palestinian organization. It was founded by Egypt and the Arab Leauge, but was mostly controlled by Egypt.
  • The 6 Day War

    The 6 Day War
    The Six day war started with Isreal and Arab. Isreal won and rolling over the Arab collation and threathened the Jewish state. They doubled the amount of territory. Thousands of Jews wept while bent in prayer.
  • Isreali and Egypt Peace Treaty

    Isreali and Egypt Peace Treaty
    Egypt and Isreali sign a formal peace treaty. It ends 30 years of war and makes diplomatic and commercial relations.
  • Palestinian Uprising

    Palestinian Uprising
    Palestinians that lived on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip begain a riot known as the "intifada uprising" against a Israeli rule. Isreali police came and the Palestinians retailate. More than 20,000 are killed in the fighting.
  • The Oslo Accords

    The Oslo Accords
    The Oslo Accords are a set of agreements between the goverment of Israel and the PLO. It was signed in Washington D.C. in 1993. It was marked the start of the Olso process, that was aimed at achieving a peace treaty based on the Uniited States Secerity Council. It was to fulfill the right of the Palestinian people to have self determination.
  • King Hussein and Yitzhak Rabin sign a Historical Peace Treaty

    King Hussein and Yitzhak Rabin sign a Historical Peace Treaty
    Jorden's King Hissein and prime minster Yitzhak sign a historical peace treaty. It ended the state of belligerency between the two countries.
  • Gaza-Israel Conflict

    Gaza-Israel Conflict
    Fighting between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. It was on hold when both of the sides agreed to a long team ceasefire.