Period: to
Cold War Timeline- Andrew DeMedici
Truman Doctrine
President Harry Truman announces the Truman Doctrine starting with giving aid to Greece and Turkey to prevent them from failing into the Soviet sphere. -
Communist Information Bureau Formed
The Soviet Union forms the Communist Information Bureau, (COMINFORM), with which it dictates the actions of leaders and communist parties across its influences. -
United Nations Resolution in Korea
The United Nations passes a resolution calling for the withdrawal of foreign soldiers from Korea. -
Marshall Plan put into Effect
President Truman signs the Marshall plan into effect. By the end of the program more than $12.4 billion will have been given to Western European countries for assistance -
Deutsche Mark
In Germany, both British and French zones launch a common currency, the Deutsche Mark -
Berlin Blockade
Stalin orders for the Berlin Blockade, which closed all the land routes from West Germany to Berlin. This was done in attempt to starve the French, British, and American forces. -
NATO founded
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is founded by 12 countries, including the Untied States, the United Kingdom, and France. -
Nuclear Testing
The Soviet Union test and succeeds with their first atomic bomb, making the Soviet Union the world's second nuclear power. -
Declaration of GDR by Soviet Union
The Soviets declare their zone of Germany to be the German Democratic Republic, with the capital being East Berlin. -
Schuman Declaration
Robert Schuman explains his ideal Europe, being united. This is known as the Schuman Declaration, marking the beginning of the European Community. -
38th parallel crossing
The United Nations' forces cross the 38th parallel, into North Korea. -
Pyongyang Falls
The capital of North Korea, Pyongyang, falls to United Nations forces. -
Operation Ripper
United Nations forces recapture Seoul during Operation Ripper. This was the start to forming a defensive line across the Korean peninsula. -
Douglas MacArthur fired
United States President, Harry Truman, fires Douglas MacArthur from command of US forces in Korea -
Truman and Congress
President Harry Truman asks Congress for U.S. military and economic aid for the communist nation of Yugoslavia. -
USS Nautilus
The United States reveals it has the world's first nuclear powered submarine, the USS Nautilus. -
Marshall Plan Ends
With European industrial output greatly exceeding the output from 1948, the Marshall Plan ends. -
Thermonuclear bomb testing
The United States tests their first thermonuclear fusion bomb -
Eisenhower gains Presidency
Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes the President of the United States of America, with John Foster Dulles as the Secretary of State. -
Uprising of 1953
An uprising in East Germany was obliterated by Soviet troops -
Soviet Communist Party leader
Nikita Khrushchev becomes the leader of the Soviet Communist Party. His rival, Lavrentiy Beria, is executed in December. -
Anti-Communist prisoners turned over
Over 22,000 anti-Communist prisoners were turned over to the UN forces in Korea. -
Huk revolt
The Huk revolt in the Philippines is defeated. -
Infiltration of CIA
Senator Joseph McCarthy claims that communists have infiltrated the CIA and the atomic weapons industry -
Baghdad Pact
The Baghdad is founded by Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey and the United Kingdom. -
Occupation end
Allies end military occupation of West Germany -
Austria neutralized
Austria is neutralized and allied occupation ends. -
Suez Canal
Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal. -
Poznan, Poland
Anti-communist protests lead to violence in Poznan, Poland. -
Communist insurgency
Communist insurgency begins South Vietnam, sponsored by North Vietnam -
Israeli forces withdraw
Israeli forces withdraw from the Sinai, which they had occupied the previous years. -
Sputnik satellite launched
The same day the Avro Arrow is revealed, the Sputnik satellite is launched. -
Sputnik 2
Sputnik 2 is launched, with the first living being on board, Laika. -
Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong initiates the Great Leap Forward -
UAR formed
The United Arab Republic is formed. -
NASA formed
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, is formed. -
The Tibetan uprising occurs -
New Republic government
New Republic government of Iraq leaves Central Treaty Organization -
Explorer 6
Explorer 6 is launched into orbit to photograph the Earth. -
JFK Presidency
John F. Kennedy becomes the President of the United States. -
France atomic bomb
France successfully tests its first atomic bomb, Gerboise Bleue, in the middle of the Algerian Sahara Desert. -
Communists defeated
Communist insurgents in Malaya are defeated. -
Pathet Lao
The Pathet Lao (communist) revolt in Laos begins. -
Diplomatic relations severed
President Eisenhower severs diplomatic relations with Cuba. -
John F. Kennedy becomes President of the United States. -
Fidel Castro description
Fidel Castro openly describes himself as a Marxist-Leninist.