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New mexico

1945 to today timeline of new mexico.

  • Period: to

    1945 to today timeline of new mexico.

  • World's first atomic bomb detonated at Trinity Site in southern New Mexico

    World's first atomic bomb detonated at Trinity Site in southern New Mexico
    when this bomb when off it scared a lot of people but at the same time he pervited jobs for lot more new mexicans but the rusult of this bomb was that the sand had tured into glass because of the hight contact of matles in the bomb
  • New Mexico soldiers serving in the 200th Coast Artillery during World War II

    New Mexico soldiers serving in the 200th Coast Artillery during World War II
    are captured by the Japanese and forced to endure the Bataan Death March. Navajo "Codetalkers" are influential in helping end the war. Secret atomic laboratories established at Los Alamos.
  • UFO allegedly crashes between Roswell and Corona

    UFO allegedly crashes between Roswell and Corona
    this was one of the big touism brought to new mexico but the gov sand it wasn't aline but at the same time someone somehow take a pic of a aline but it was keep hiddin from the plulbk by the gov
  • Native Americans will the right to vote in state elections.

     Native Americans will the right to vote in state elections.
    because the women had the right to vote they began look for more thing to help and the native people stated to fight because it was there land biut didn't had the right to vote and this inraged them so after fighting and fighting they finally won and had the right to vote.
  • Uranium discovered near Grants.

    Uranium discovered near Grants.
    this was a very big thing the came to mine coal but the found uranium inside it was very big because there where only 3 mine for this and new mexico had the biggest mine of them all so it brout job and money to this state
  • Buddy Holly records Peggy Sue

    Buddy Holly records Peggy Sue
  • New state capitol

    New state capitol
    the "Roundhouse," is dedicated.
  • Proposed new state constitution is rejected by voters.

    Proposed new state constitution is rejected by voters.
    this was because it would drop the home and jobs big time in new mexico so acors it was rejected by us if we voted for it it would just be stupid ifwe did
  • Space shuttle Columbia lands at White Sands Space Harbor oil Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo.

    Space shuttle Columbia lands at White Sands Space Harbor oil Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo.
    this was a very big thing because the were only a limited number of space suttle but new mexico hasve a great palser have having it larch here in own start new mexico
  • New Mexico observes Columbus Quincentenary

    New Mexico observes Columbus Quincentenary
  • the birth of a boy name Greg

  • New Mexico celebrates its cuartocentenario, commemorating its 1598 founding by Juan de Onate.

    New Mexico celebrates its cuartocentenario, commemorating its 1598 founding by Juan de Onate.
  • lake cochiti

    lake cochiti
    on this day a father of three kidnaps all of his kids police were out to get him to save the kid but it was to lake he drove up to the doke where they put the boat in the water but he didn't do that but drove into the lake with high speed drading his kid and himself.
  • the river

    the river
    at this time people started dumping wast into the river but some reason they didn't stop it it just keep on happing and people to this day still dump the river was a good fishing place but know the fish are and getting infacted and unable to eat.
  • the death of the 13 women

    the death of the 13 women
    this is when they found bodies of women and of two of them had babys and to this day we still don't know who did it.
  • grand thef bus

    grand thef bus
    a man was high on drug so he broke in to two bus and drove off in one of them and whent on a rampage driving at hight speed and 528 casing them to block off the road and shut them dout but it ended with someone shooting the tire of the bus and have the bus flip.
  • the jump

    the jump
    a man set the new recored for the high jump he took off in roswell by a ballon and set the recored at 2350 feet and he also broke the sound of speed and set the new recond of the fastest man ever
  • Coyote killing contest

    Coyote killing contest
    there was a contest for huting they did this not for fun but to save livestock but it inrage people all around the world the person who got the most kills will win at a gun but they weheere still mad people started thring the buissnise but that didn't stop them and it was hald and the hurt still went on
  • Government closes peanut butter plant

    Government closes peanut butter plant
    a bad vires from a bug going into thie mix for them resip and then finaly close because they left the door open again