1945 to Present Timeline Assignment

  • Senator Joseph McCarthy claims the State Dept. is full of communists

  • First color TV show

  • Joseph Stalin Dies

  • Rosenbergs executed for spying

  • Treaty signed ending Korean War

  • Henry Aaron breaks Babe's record

  • Bill Haley records rock around the clock

  • Albert Einstein Dies

  • First Microwave oven

  • Rosa Parks begins bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama

  • Buddy Holly dies in a plane crash

  • President Eisenhower warns of the dangers of the military industrial complex

  • Berlin Wall goes up/ comes down

  • Yuri Gagarin orbits the earth

  • Alan Shepard goes into space

  • John Glenn orbits earth

  • Cuban missile crisis resolved peacefully

  • Marilyn Monroe commits suicide

  • James Meredith enrolls at the Univ. of Alabama

  • Dr. Martin Luther King says "I have a dream"

  • JFK Assassinated

  • Lee Harvey Oswald is murdered

  • Beatles appear on the Ed Sullivan show

  • US invasion of Dominican Republic, Grenada, Panama and Iraq

  • Betty Freidan founds the National Organization of Women

  • First Super Bowl is played

  • Muhammad Ali goes to prison

  • Senator Eugene McCarthy mobilizes the youth vote against the Vietnam War

  • President Johnson refuses to run for a second term of office

  • MLK Assassinated

  • Robert F. Kennedy is Assassinated

  • Richard Nixon is elected for his first term of office

  • Neil Armstrong Walks on the Moon

  • Ho Chi Minh dies

  • Dads birthday

  • Gloria Steinem publishes the first edition of MS Magazine

  • Moms Birthday

  • Nixon visits Red China

  • Isreali athletes slaughtered at Olympics

  • Watergate hotel broken into

  • US leaves Vietnam

  • Vice President Spiro Agnew resigns from office

  • Jackie Robinson became the first black to play in the Major Leagues

  • Cesar Chavez unionizes farm workers in California

  • President Nixon Resigns

  • Gerald Ford Became the first unelected president in history

  • First Apple computer sold

  • Mao tse tung leads communist revolution in China

  • Elvis Dies

  • Jimmy Carter presides over Camp David Accords

  • Lee Iacocca takes over Chrysler

  • Jim Jones leads followers into mass suicide

  • Ayatollah Khomeni takes power in Iran

  • John Lennon Dies

  • Ronald Reagan becomes president

  • Britain wins Falklands War

  • Christa McCauliffe is first civilian to ride the space shuttle

  • My Birthday

  • Today