Adolf Hitler commits suicide in German bunker
Period: to
Germany surrenders to Allies
The USA drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima
USSR enters the war against Japan
Japan surrenders, ending World War 2
Winston Churchill delivers 'Iron Curtain' speech
Truman Doctrine speech made
Marshall plan announced
The Berlin blockage begins
The Berlin blockade ends
USSR explodes its first atomic bomb
Korean War begins
Death of Joseph Stalin
Korean war ends
Warsaw pact is created
USSR launches Sputnik into Earth orbit, initiating the space race.
Khrushchev demands U.S leave Berlin
John F. Kennedy is elected President of the United States
USSR astronaut Gagarin is the first to orbit Earth
Berlin boarder closed
Construction of the Berlin wall begins
Cuban Missile Crisis
Nuclear war is narrowly avoided -
President John F. Kennedy assassinated
Gulf of Tonkin incident - start of the Vietnam War
China detonates its first atomic bomb
Richard Nixon is elected as President
USA lands first man on the moon - wins space race
Break in at the Watergate office complex, which resulted in the watergate scandal.
End of the U.S military draft
Eygpt and Syria attack Israel - Eygpt requests Soviet aid
Richard Nixon resigns
the only president in U.S history to do so -
Ronald Regan elected President
Mikhail Gorbachev ascends to power in USSR
Gorbachev ends economic aid to Soviet satellities
Regan and Gorbachev resolve to remove all intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe
Regan and Gorbachev agree to remove all medium and short-range missiles from Europe by signing a treaty
Hungary becomes indepedent
China puts down protests for a democracy
Poland becomes independant
The Berlin wall falls
Communist governments in Czechoslovakis, Bulgaria and Romania fall
Boris Yeltskin elected to presidency of Russia
East Germany and West Germany united
Warsaw pact ends
USSR dissolves, ending the Cold War