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1945-1982 Visual Timeline

  • Canada’s Baby Boom

    Canada’s Baby Boom
    Lasted 20 years, more than 8.2 million babies were born, an average of about 412,000 a year.
  • Canada’s Role in Korean War

    Canada’s Role in Korean War
    The Canadian Forces were involved in the war and its aftermath. 26,000 Canadians joined on the side of the United Nations, and Canada sent eight destroyers. Canadian aircraft provided transport, supply and logistics. After the war, Canadian troops remained for three years as military observers.
  • Canada's Role in Suez Crisis

    Canada's Role in Suez Crisis
    During the Suez Crisis, Canada provided troops to the UN mission and was invited to take part in the first major UN peacekeeping mission. By brokering a resolution to the crisis, Canada was instrumental in sustaining the organizations that were vital to Canada's national and foreign interests.
  • Canada and Cuban Missile Crisis

    Canada and Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Soviet Union stationed nuclear missiles in Cuba, which posed a threat to the United States and Canada. It brought the world to the edge of nuclear war. It lasted for 13 days and end when Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev agreed to dismantle and remove the Soviet missiles, in return for Kennedy’s promise not to invade Cuba.
  • Canada’s New Flag

    Canada’s New Flag
    The new maple leaf flag was made official by a proclamation from Queen Elizabeth II. It was inaugurated in a public ceremony on Parliament Hill.
  • The Canadian Caper

    The Canadian Caper
    The joint covert rescue by the Canadian Canadian government and the CIA of six American diplomats who had evaded capture during the seizure of the United States embassy in Tehran, Iran after the Iranian Revolution, when Islamist students took most of the American embassy personnel hostage.
  • Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms

    Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    The first part of the act is the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which prevents the governments from infringing on Canadian rights and freedoms.