[1945-1980] The Modernization of Québec & The Quiet Revolution

By jaclyns
  • Creation of new provincial flag

    Creation of new provincial flag
    • Introduced by Maurice Duplessis in 1948 to demonstrate Quebec patriotism at a time of encroaching modernity.
    • replaced the Union Jack (shows rejection of British connection)
    • protest against increased federal intervention
    • Includes symbols of Catholicism and the Royal French period.
    • Becomes a symbol for Quebecois nationalism, autonomy and separatist movements in the 1960s and beyond. (Slide 10)
  • Refus Global

    Refus Global
    • The late 1940s was a time of prosperity and modernization in Quebec.
    • However, the Catholic church was heavily involved in many aspects of Quebec society and a group of artists including Borduas and Riopelle are protesting this by publishing this manifesto.
    • They call for the state to take control over health care and education.
    • This call for secularism establishes a goal for a more modern Quebec society which is ultimately realized during the Quiet Revolution. (Class Slide 14)
  • Asbestos Strike

    Asbestos Strike
    • More than 5000 miners in Thetford Mines and Asbestos went on strike.
    • Miners wanted safer conditions, better pay
    • Duplessis gave his support to the employers and declared the miners' strike illegal.
    • This strike was a turning point in Quebec society. - - After the strike many people started to express their opposition of the government and it eventually led to the labour reforms of the Quiet Revolution. (Reflections, p. 216)
  • Arrival of televison-cbc/radio canada

    Arrival of televison-cbc/radio canada
    • In the 1950s televisions were becoming more common in households.
    • During a time period of prosperity after WW2, wages and purchasing power increased allowing mass consumption.
    • Advertising through this mass medium became a popular way of encouraging consumers to buy products.
    • Exposure to American culture (Americanism) through TV, radio, movies: culture of freedom, material comfort, success.
    • To provide a Canadian perspective in the media, counter to the exposure of Americanism.
  • Introduction of provincial income tax

    Introduction of provincial income tax
    • Duplessis criticized the federal equalization system. -Duplessis thought the province of Quebec should collect its own taxes in order to enjoy greater autonomy.
    • Federal government was forced to reduce the taxes it collected from Quebec.
    • This allowed the province to have greater provincial autonomy since they were now able to control the distribution of the taxes, instead of the federal government controlling their distribution. (reflections page 211)
  • Richard Riot

    Richard Riot
    • Maurice Richard is suspended from NHL playoffs for fighting. -It was seen as a injustice committed by anglophone NHL president against the francophone player.
    • A riot broke out at the Montreal forum.
    • Event becomes associated with identity and tension between French and English Canadians.
    • This lead to francophones' affirmation to their language and identity later on during the Quiet revolution. (reflections page 211)
  • The inauguration of the St. Lawrence Seaway

    The inauguration of the St. Lawrence Seaway
    • Necessary because of the increased trade between Canada, the US and the rest of the world -Connects the 5 Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean by building a deep-water seaway to allow huge transatlantic ships to access American and Canadian ports. -It helps support continued economic growth through the 1960s and 70s.
  • Quebec Neo-nationalism introduced

    Quebec Neo-nationalism introduced
    • Quebec conservative nationalism changed to Neo-nationalism
    • Focused on a stronger sense of belonging to Quebec territory and not the Catholic Church.
    • French Canadians begin to refer to themselves as Quebecois
    • Some believed Quebec should separate from Canada
    • Quebec government strongly supported Quebec art and culture.
    • Strongly influenced by several European colonies gaining independence.
    • Led to creation of Parti Quebecois, who held the 2 referendums on separation. (Reflections 235)
  • Grande Charte de l’education (compulsory school attendance)

    Grande Charte de l’education (compulsory school attendance)
    • Quebec church run education gave poor results (low graduation rate, high drop out rate, etc)
    • New Liberal government of Jean Lesage sought to reform education
    • A major aspect of the Quiet Revolution
    • Raised the compulsory attendance age to 15.
    • Made primary and secondary education free.
    • This begins the process of creating a more educated population.
    • Leads to Parent Commission which reported in 1963 which recommended co-education and secularization. (Reflections 225-226)
  • Reform of health care

    Reform of health care
    • In 1960 less than 50% of Quebecers had private health insurance, public insurance did not exist
    • hospitals were poorly run by the Catholic Church
    • Lesage Liberal government set up a public hospital insurance program in 1961. -In 1962 the Lesage goverment passed the Hospital Act (replaced nuns and priests with nurses and doctors)
    • This is a major facet of the Quiet Revolution and another instance of secularization. -Health care becomes more accessible and modern for Quebecers. (R, p. 215)
  • Nationalization of Electricity

    Nationalization of Electricity
    • Many private producers of electricity in Quebec
    • Remote regions were poorly served and prices varied
    • Lesage Liberal government nationalized all producers into Hydro-Quebec
    • Gave Quebecers greater control over their economy
    • The profits from this crown corporation enabled the Quebec government to direct electrical economic development in the province
    • This allows the huge hydro electric development in northern Quebec
  • Adoption of the act respecting the legal capacity of married women

    Adoption of the act respecting the legal capacity of married women
    • Prior to 1964 married women lost their legal autonomy to their husbands and were treated as minors.
    • Marie-Claire Kirkland-Casgrain (1st female minister in Quebec government) passed Act Respecting the Legal Capacity of Married Women.
    • Allowed women to carry out financial transactions, sign legal documents, act without their husbands' consent.
      • This is an early act of the women's liberation movement
    • Part of Quebec's secularization and modernization of the Quiet Revolution. (R., p. 250)
  • Caisse de dépôt et placement du quebec pension plan

    Caisse de dépôt et placement du quebec pension plan
    • Prior to its creation Quebecers did not have a public pension plan
    • The Lesage Liberal government created the Caisse de dépôt in 1965 and funded it through payroll taxes.
    • A major part of the creation of a Quebec welfare state
    • Government creates a pension plan for all Quebecers
    • Makes Quebecers more secure financially (Reflections, p. 227)
  • Creation of CEGEP system

    Creation of CEGEP system
    • Designed to make quebecois better educated and prepared for university or a vocation
    • Instituted by Daniel Johnson's Union nationale government
    • Following recommendations of Parent Commission
    • Gave young Quebecers better options to finish their secondary education and streamed more of them into higher education
    • Part of the ongoing process of the Quiet Revolution's secularization and modernization of Quebec society. (Reflections, p. 231)
  • Expo 67

    Expo 67
    • Quebec and Canadian economies were rapidly modernizing and their societies opening to the world
    • Mayor Jean Drapeau wanted to showcase Montreal to the world
    • Built on islands made of Metro construction landfill
    • Celebrated Canada's centenary of confederation
    • Best attended World's Fair
    • 50+ million people attended
    • The theme was "Man and his World"
    • Celebrated culture and technology from around the world
    • Expo site remains a recreational space in Montreal (R. , p. 234)
  • Creation of Parti Quebecois

    Creation of Parti Quebecois
    • Increase Neo-nationalism in Quebec
    • Rising tide of Quebec sovereignty movement -Creation of 2 sovereignist parties (RN and RIN) in the 1960s and ran in 1966 election
    • Together the 2 parties got 8.8% of the vote.
    • Rene Levesque leaves Liberals and creates the MSA (another sovereignist party) -In 1968 all 3 parties merge to make the Parti Quebecois.
    • The PQ form many future Quebec governments and hold 2 sovereignist referenda.
      (Reflections, p. 235)
  • Abortion is decriminalized

    Abortion is decriminalized
    • Increasing womens emancipation through the Quiet Revolution
    • Women had attained legal rights in 1964
    • Oral contraceptives became available in the early 60s.
    • Women are becoming more educated and empowered and marriage rates and birth rates are falling.
    • Canadian government responds to demands of society and abortion restrictions are slightly relaxed.
    • Beginning of Canada's long process of abortion reform -Reflects the changing attitudes about women and families (Reflections, p. 250)
  • Health Insurance Act

    Health Insurance Act
    • Ongoing reform and modernization of health care begun in 1961
    • Expand free health care services beyond hospitalization
    • Ongoing creation of welfare state
    • Quiet revolutionary act of Robert Bourassa's liberal government
    • Creation of healthcare card
    • Leads to creation of CLSCs (community health centers) in 1974 (reflections page 254)
  • October Crisis

    October Crisis
    • Increased Quebec separatism in 1960s -Believed gains could be achieved violently
    • FLQ conduct a bombing campaign against federal/english symbols
    • In October 1970 the FLQ kidnapped 2 VIPs; the Trudeau government invoke the War Measures Act and sent the army into the streets
    • The FLQ murder one of their captives
    • In exchange for the release of the other, they went into exile.
    • Quebecers turn away from violent revolution
    • In 1976 they elect the PQ a separatist government (R., p. 258)
  • James Bay Hydroelectric Project Announced

    James Bay Hydroelectric Project Announced
    • Hydro Quebec nationalized in 1962
    • Desire for Quebec to become major hydroelectric producer
    • Major part of Bourassa's Liberal platform
    • the "project of the century"
    • 1st phase in 1973, only completed in 2013
    • As a result Quebec becomes an energy exporter
    • Creates jobs and fosters other industries like aluminum
    • Gives Quebec large renewable energy source for future
    • Biggest hydro project in North America -leads to tensions and law suits with Indigenous people (R., p. 255)
  • Oil Crisis

    Oil Crisis
    • In response to American support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War the Arab nations of OPEC triple the price of oil overnight
    • Also embargo the US from oil
    • Western economies go into recession immediately
    • Huge spike in inflation
    • Marks the end of the period of uninterrupted economic growth/prosperity following WW2
    • The Quebec economy continues to suffer from low growth and budget deficits. (Reflections, p. 259)
  • Bill 22 (French is official language)

    Bill 22 (French is official language)
    • Ongoing Neo-nationalism
    • 1969 federal government passes the Official Languages Act (bilingualism)
    • Union Nationale passed Language act, 1969-not strong enough to satisfy francophones
    • 1974 Bourassa's Liberal government passes Bill 22 = makes French the only official language in Quebec
    • restrictions for immigrants to send children to English schools
    • Both non-francophone Quebecers and separatist Quebecers are unhappy
    • Liberals lose majority in 1974, lose election 1976.(R., p. 263)
  • Quebec's Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms

    Quebec's Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms
    • Canada had a Bill of Rights since 1960
    • Canada still had BNA Act as its constitution
    • Bourassa's Liberals passed this Charter to consolidate and confirm all Quebecers Human rights and promote and protect them.
    • It did this by providing public information and investigating cases of discrimination
    • Forward looking and broad for the protection it gives Quebecers
    • Foreshadows the Canadian Constitution of 1982
    • Still doesn't help Liberals win next election (Reflections, p. 254)
  • Bill 101 passed

    Bill 101 passed
    • Quebecers unhappy with Bill 22
    • Election of separatists government in 1976
    • The PQ government adopts the charter of the French language- Bill 101 (expands Bill 22)
    • Makes French the official language of signs, businesses and forces immigrants to attend French school only
    • Begins an exodus of Anglophones and their businesses
    • Part of PQ's preparation for sovereignty referendum
    • Modified but remains in place today
    • Solidifies the place of French in Quebec (Reflections, p. 268)
  • Adoption of the Act Respecting Labour Standards

    Adoption of the Act Respecting Labour Standards
    • The Quiet Revolution is positive towards labour unions
    • The Lesage government had liberalized unionization rules in 1964
    • Unions supported election of PQ government
    • PQ adopts Rand Formula in 1977 which required employers to collect union dues
    • In 1979 PQ adopts this act
    • Union protections/standards now apply to all employees even non-unionized
    • Quebec employees better protected than rest of rest of Canada and USA. (Reflections, p. 269)