
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic Bomb
    The first A-bomb was put into effect between Great Britain and the United States
  • Germans Declare War

    Germans Declare War
    Hitler declares total war starting the second world war.
  • D-Day

    Allied soldiers invaded the beaches of Normandy in France
  • Germans Surrender

    Germans Surrender
    World War II ends in Europe as Germany surrendered
  • Truman as President

    Truman as President
    Harry S. Truman becomes the 33rd president of America and is in office for 2 terms.
  • Blockades in Germany

    Blockades in Germany
    The Soviet Union puts up land blockades against the US in Germany.
  • NATO

    North American Treaty Organization is formed by the US, Canada, and Western European countries.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    North Korea and the Soviets invade South Korea and the US aided South Korea in the war.
  • TV

    Truman gives a speech on the transcontinental tv about the Japanese peace treaty in San Francisco
  • 34th President

    34th President
    Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected the president of the United States. He served 2 terms.