1940s cold war

  • China Civil War

    China Civil War
    The Civil War was between the Chinese Communist Party and Nationalists. Economic problems of hyperinflation, mass unemployment, inadequate reconstruction of industry and large numbers of refugees was brought by the war. China fell to the CCP and declared victory by proclaiming of the People’s Republic of China in October 1949. Jiang Jieshi set up the Republic of China, and became the leader of mainland China.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    On February 4 1945, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met at Yalta in Crimea to attend the Yalta conference. The three leaders agreed to ask for Germany’s unconditional surrender. They also began plans for a post-war world were they talked about dividing post-war Germany into four zones and they also tried negotiating terms with Stalin. This conference set the Path for the post-war world which also many believed led to the cold war
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    On July 17 1945 the Potsdam Conference was held in Potsdam a city near Berlin. The conference was attended by Stalin, Truman, and Churchill. Since the war in Europe was over, the big three discuss negotiation to end World War II in the pacific and how to handle post war Germany. This conference set the stage for dispute between the soviets and the Allied forces due to lack of common enemy
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    On March 5 1946, Sir Winston Churchill gave a sinews of peace at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri. Churchill wanted to warn the world about the expansionistic policies of the Soviet Union. he also warned the world about communist fifth columns in growin democratic countries. His spesch was accpected warmly. this made democratic countries grew closer fighting of communisn. His speech mark the start of the cold war.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    On March 12 1947 President S. Truman gave a doctrine to a joint session of congress asking for the United States to provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from communist forces. Truman wanted to advocate for the contianment of soviet expansion.The Truman Doctrine became the basis of American foreign policy which led to the formation of NATO, a military alliance with other democratic countries.
  • OAS (Organization of American States)

    OAS (Organization of American States)
    Signed on 30 April 1948, in Bogotá, Colombia, the OAS, was formed with twenty-one original members. The organization was formed to promote economic, military, and cultural cooperation among its members and was based on the general beliefs of the principles of the U.S. Monroe Doctrine. Almost every independent state of the Western Hemisphere was included and the common goal of the nations was to maintain peace between the various states within the hemisphere.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Effective on June 3, 1948, the Marshall Plan which included Western Europe, and precluded the Soviet Bloc cooperation. The plan created the important concept of U.S. foreign aid programs. Immediately post-World War II, Europe remained damaged by war and vulnerable to Communist threat. In a June 5, 1947, speech by Secretary of State George C. Marshall issued a call to rebuild Europe. The Economic Cooperation Act in March 1948 was passed and approved funding to rebuild Western Europe.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    After WWll The Allies agreed to split up Germany and it capital Berlin. They gave the eastern parts of the to the Soviets and the Western parts to the U.S, France and Britain. since Berlin was located in Eastern Germany, In June 1948, the soviets closed of eastern Germany from western Germany. the U.S. and its allies decided to supply their sectors of the city from the air. This effort became known as the Berlin Airlift. This crisis showed tension between Western powers and the Soviets
  • NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

    NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
    The United States, Canada, and several Western European nations formed the NATO which was made to provide security against the Soviet Union. After World War II, European nations struggled to rebuild their economies and security. This made the United States become involved with European affairs. Greece's Civil War, and tensions in Turkey led the United States to provide economic and military aid to both countries, and other struggling nations.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    the Soviet Union and other European countries signed the Warsaw Pact in Warsaw, Poland. The treaty called its members to come defend other members if attacked by an outside force. A unified military of the Soviet Union was built because of this. Western Germany being remilitarized, and its inclusion in the North Atlantic bloc, increased the danger of a new war which created a threat to national security The Soviets viewed this as a direct threat and responded with the Warsaw Pact.