
  • FDR serves his third term as U.S. president

    FDR serves his third term as U.S. president
  • Great Britain hit by German bomb

    Great Britain hit by German bomb
  • Hitler Escapes Assassination Attempt

    Hitler Escapes Assassination Attempt
  • FDR is assainated

    FDR is assainated
    President has been shot in the head
  • China becomes communist

    China becomes communist
  • the big bang theroy was invinted

    the big bang theroy was invinted
    Scientist discover the answer to out galaxy ,,what they call the big bang theroy
  • Korean war begins

    Korean war begins
  • polio disease vaccine is made

    polio disease vaccine is made
  • Montgomery buss boy cott begins

    Montgomery buss boy cott begins
  • Dr. Seuss Publishes The cat in the hat

    Dr. Seuss  Publishes The cat in the hat
  • Most Powerful Earthquake Ever Recorded Hits Chile

    Most Powerful Earthquake Ever Recorded Hits Chile