
  • 1940s

    President FD Roosevelt passed a deal with a series of programs such as projects and financial reforms.
  • 1941s

    The United States Entered WWll in 1941. Causing many men to enlist. This made the amount of people able to work in the US decrease. This opens the door for many women to start working jobs.
  • 1942

    The United States signed a law where 110,000 Japanese Americans were moved to camps after the Pearl Harbor bombing.
  • 1944

    The United States signed the G.I. bil saying that any former or current G.I. who served in WWll could go to college at the expense of the country.
  • 1945

    In 1945 the minimum wage was raised to $.40 per hour. This was due to the war going on in Europe. The production rate in the United States was high because of the war and as a result they decided to raise the minimum wage.
  • 1947

    Jackie Robinson changes the game of baseball by becoming the first African-American Major League Baseball Player. He broke the color barrier and made it possibly fellow players of color to become employed by the league. Also he helped expand the MLB as a franchise and make it more entertaining to people of all colors making it bring in more money.