During the Great Depression the United state went up they had enough goods and money so their bancks and credit industries become stronger when it get to 1940 it was one of the biggest country in the industry -
The congress changed some laws about the national defense this is going to provid good training fr the soldiers .it did help to decrease the unemployed people . They authorize money to build hosing and bring new bases for the military .this laws helped them to build one f the strongest army's in the world -
The Japanese diet announces a record high budget with over half its expenditures being military -
Britain and France decide to intervene to cut off the iron ore trade in anti captain of an expected German occupation and ostensibly to open a rout to assist Finland -
January 25, 1940 Nazis choose the town of Oswiecim(Auschwitz) in Poland as the site of new concentration camp. -
First deportation of German Jews into occupied Poland -
Europe began at dawn on September 1,1939 when Germany used her newly Blitzkrieg tactics and military strength to inviole Poland to which both the United Kingdom and France had pledge protection and independence guarantees. -
The first anti Jewish measures are taken in Vichy, France. -
Germany captures Paris and surrenders to nazis exacting revenge for his nation defeat in the First World War paper in the some railroad in wich Germans signed armistice of 1918 -
The Krakow Ghetto is sealed off containing 70,000 Jews. Then Warsaw Ghetto contaning over 400,000 Jews is sealed off in concentration camp. In 1940 there are not very big event happen in Holocaust but the German sealed off many Jews as they can. https://youtu.be/k7urdI4vgnk -
The United States entered the world war 2 at December 7 1940 and that was the first time they used their Air Forces they get into the war to help Britain fighting Germany -
Benjamin o.davis was appointed in th us army he was the firs African American to be in high position and that was a bad thing for Hitlar