Germain invasion of Russia/ Bomb of Pearl Harbour
First Papers of Surrealism
Gorky paints Garden of Sochi + Pollock's first solo exhibition
Liberation of France/ Breton &Gorky meet
Breton meets Arshille Gorky -
Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-Bombs dropped
Manifesto del realismo by italian artists
First exhibition of abstract art in Europe
Art Concret, Galerie Rene Drouin Paris -
Lucio Fontana's White Manifesto
Sartre writes Existentialism is Humanism
Paolozi makes collages with advertisement and magazines
Abstraction Creation group arises in Paris
Arshille Gorky commits suicide
Berlin blockade
State of Israel proclaimed
Formation of Cobra Movement in Paris
Barnett Newman begins to make colour field paintings
Chinese people republic under Mao Zedong
Russia gets A-bomb
Francis Bacon starts photographing
Korean War
Le Corbrusier comissioned to build a new capital for the Punjab
Abstract painting and Sculpture in America - MOMA
Churchill becomes prime minister
Eisenhower becomes US president
Jackson Pollock paints blue poles
Stalin dies
Matisse dies
Man, Machine and Motion
institute of contemporary arts london -
This is tomorrow Exhibition, Whitechapel gallery
Suez Canal seized by Egypt, attack by English and French troops
Pollock dies
treaty of rome
New American Painting Exhibition at MoMA
by group zero -
'The street ' exhibition at the Judson gallery
by Claes Oldenburg -
Castro takes over Cuba
Construction of the Berlin wall
Warhol prints his Marilyn diptych
J.F. Kennedy gets assassinated
Warhol's first retrospective, ICA
"Primary structures", Jewish Museum NYC
Synthetic abstraction in Guggenheim museum -
Che Guevara is killed in Bolivia
Martin Luther King assassinated
Duchamp dies
Neil Armstrong lands on the moon
Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty
Great Salt Lake, Utah -
Linda Nochlin publishes "Why there have been no great women artists"
Larry Clark publishes a book of photographs
"The New Art" at Hayward Gallery, London
Joseph Beuys preforms Coyote in New York
First performance of Sex Pistols
"Women Artists" exhibition in Los Angeles