Katyn Forest Massacre
Auschwitz Open
Battle of Britain
Nazis Begin Killing Adults & Children w/ Disabilities
Babi Yar Massacre
Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
Operation Barbarossa
Nazis Raze Town in Retaliation for Reinhard Heydrich's Death
Anne Frank Goes Into Hiding
Battle of Stalingrad
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
French Resistance Leader Jean Moulin Killed
Italy Joins the Allies
First German V1 and V2 Rockets Fired
Hitler Escapes Assassination Attempt
Hitler Commits Suicide
Germans Surrender
United Nations Founded
Winston Churchill Gives His "Iron Curtain" Speech
Bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem
Jews Are Massacred in the Post-Holocaust Kielce Pogrom in Poland
Marshall Plan
Jewish Refugees Aboard the Exodus Turned Back by British
Gandhi Assassinated
State of Israel Founded
Policy of Apartheid Begun
NATO Established
Soviet Union Has Atomic Bomb
China Becomes Communist
First Modern Credit Card Introduced
U.S. President Truman Orders Construction of Hydrogen Bomb
Korean War Begins