• Thecultures in 1940s

    Thecultures in 1940s
    The 1940s got swallowed up in World War II. Many baseball players and other celebrities went to war, and much of American culture was focused around it. Much of popular culture was entrenched in anti-German and anti-Japanese sentiment. This is to expected when you are fighting a war against someone.
  • The creation of McDonald's

    The creation of McDonald's
    McDonald's was founded in 1940 but the first restaurant was created in 1955
  • "Nuestras sombras" de Maria Teresa Budge

    "Nuestras sombras" de Maria Teresa Budge
    El libro "Nuestras sombras" of Maria Teresa Budge fue publicado 1940
  • "Leocadia" by Jean Anouilh

    "Leocadia" by Jean Anouilh
    The theatre act"Leocadia" was first presented in 1940 in French
  • "La invención de Morel" de Adolfo Bioy Casares

    "La invención de Morel" de Adolfo Bioy Casares
    El libro la "invencion de Morel" fue publicado en 1940
  • 1940s Fashion Trends

    1940s Fashion Trends
    Plaid A-line skirts with white button down blouses. Victory suits: man-tailored skirt and jackets. Wide leg, high waisted pants. Workwear overalls and jeans created the Rosie the Riveter look.
  • The jazz

    The jazz
    In the 40s decade, jazz was an important culture for America and Europe
  • Black Widows

    Black Widows
    The black widows were girls almost all the time they were gangsters and they were Latin. These girls characterized because of their all-black dressing, these were a contra culture
  • The art's in the 40s decade

    In the 40s decade, the world war stopped almost all the things among Europe and North America. The painters and drawers were very few in the group. New York City was the capital of this counterculture
  • The zoot Suits

    The zoot Suits
    The zoot suit was created by Ernest Skillet Mayhand during his shows as a part of the comedy act "Pots, Pans & Skillet" an act that ran on the "Chitlin' Circuit". The suits were first associated with African-American communities such as Harlem, Chicago, and Detroit in the 1940s
  • The cancellation of the Tour de France

    The cancellation of the Tour de France
    Because of the war, Le Tour de France was cancellated and was cancellated until 1946
  • Eloisa esta debajo de un almendro

    Eloisa esta debajo de un almendro
    The book and theatre act Eloisa esta debajo de un almendro was first presented the 24 of may 1940
  • El libro " Eloisa esta debajo de un almendro" de Enrique Jardiel Poncela

    El libro " Eloisa esta debajo de un almendro" de Enrique Jardiel Poncela
    El libro y obra teatral "Eloisa esta debajo de un almendro" de Enrique Jardiel Poncela fue presentado en 1940
  • La toma de Francia

    La toma de Francia
    La toma de Francia ( o caida de Francia) fue la conquista de los Nazis a Francia. Esta empeso el 10 de Junio de 1940 y tras 6
    semanas de batalla Francia fue tomada.
  • La publicación del libro : Por quien doblan las campanas

    La publicación del libro  : Por quien doblan las campanas
    El libro: Por quien doblan las campanas de Ernest Hemingway fue publicado en 1940. Este libro se inspiro en el anviente y en si de la guerra civil Española
  • El Holocausto

    El Holocausto
    El holocausto Nazi fue uno de los actos mas atrozes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Consistia en que los Nazis atrapaban y perseguian a todos los Judios europeos y los dejaban en campos de consentracion a trabajar como esclavos. Mas de 1 millon de Judios murieron durante el Holocausto.
  • The South America Basketball Championship

    The South America Basketball Championship
    The South American Basketball Championship of 1941 corresponds to the ninth edition of the South American Basketball Championship. It was held in Mendoza, Argentina, with the Argentine team winning. A total of 6 teams competed, despite the fact that World War II was ongoing.
  • La muerte de Henri Léon Lebesgue

    La muerte de Henri Léon Lebesgue
    Henri Léon Lebesgue fue un matemático francés. Lebesgue amplió en concepto de integral, cimentando con ello la teoría de la medida.
  • The atack to Pearl Harbor

    The atack to Pearl Harbor
    Imperial Japan in 1941 commanded an attack on one of the military bases of the U.S, Pearl Harbor. This operation made the US enter WWII.
  • In 1942 Fermi discobers the controlled nuclear reaction

    In 1942 Fermi discobers  the controlled nuclear reaction
    A chain reaction refers to a process in which neutrons released in fission produce an additional fission in at least one further nucleus. This nucleus in turn produces neutrons, and the process repeats. The process may be controlled (nuclear power) or uncontrolled (nuclear weapons).
  • The United States National Championship 1942

    The United States National Championship 1942
    In U.S in 1942 was ceelebrated the US national championship of tenis
  • La muerte de Felix Hausdorff

    La muerte de Felix Hausdorff
    Felix Hausdorff fue un matemático alemán. Se le considera cofundador de la topología moderna y realizó contribuciones esenciales a la teoría de conjuntos (general y descriptiva), a la teoría de la medida, al análisis funcional y al álgebra.
  • The capture of a thousand of jews in Itali

    In Itali, the Nazicaptured a thousand of jews of 12.000
  • Hitler Suicides

    Hitler Suicides
    Hitler, the leader of the Nazi suicides in 1944
  • La obra " A puerta Cerrada" de Jean-Paul Sartre

    La obra " A puerta Cerrada" de Jean-Paul Sartre
    La obra " A puerta Cerrada" fue presentada en 1944 en Paris por Jean-Paul Sartre en el teatro Vieux-Colombier y fue presentada justo antes de la liberacion de Francia
  • The D-day

    The D-day
    The D day, One of the deadliest operations of WWII. This was an operation of the Allies in the plan of Overlord. This operation was in Normandy beach, France
  • The Ardenas battle

    The Ardenas battle
    The Ardennes battle was a battle that took place in the Ardennes forests in Belgica and was one of the longest, hardest, and deadliest battle ever in WWII. After more than 3 months in battle, finally, the Axis and the Nazis were destroyed
  • The first atomic bombs were detonated

    The first atomic bombs were detonated
    In 1945 Fatman and Litlle boy were detonated in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • The end of WWII

    The end of WWII
    WWII was ended after the detonation of the atomic bombs in Japan leaving thons of deads and materials damage
  • The foundation of Bic

    The foundation of Bic
    Bic, the pen, pencils and office suplies was founded in 1945
  • The fundation of Tupperware

    The fundation of Tupperware
    Tupperware, the botlles and plastic containers was founded in 1946
  • In 1946 the ENIAC is crated

    In 1946 the ENIAC is crated
    In 1943 the ENIAC machine was planted to be created for the US army, but it was finished in 1946. This was one of the first computers to be used to find encrypted messages from the enemies
  • The Ana Frank diary

    The Ana Frank diary
    The Ana Frank diary was found in 1947
  • Christian Dior

    Christian Dior
    Fast forward to 1947, where new designer Christian Dior presents his now famous “New Look” designs. The New Look included a collection of dresses with very small waists and full skirts.
  • Expresionismo abstracto

    Expresionismo abstracto
    El Expresionismo abstracto, fue un movimiento artístico que surgió hacia 1947, en Estados Unidos, y cuya máxima expresión fue la pintura, realizada habitualmente en formatos de gran tamaño.
  • The cration of the Transistor

    The cration of the Transistor
    The transistor is a semiconductor electronic device used to deliver an output signal in response to an input signal. It fulfills functions of amplifier, oscillator, switch or rectifier. Currently it is found in practically all electronic devices of daily use such as radios, televisions, audio and video players, quartz clocks, computers, fluorescent lamps, tomographs, cell phones, although almost always within the so-called integrated circuits.
  • La muerte de Godfrey Harold Hardy

    La muerte de Godfrey Harold Hardy
    G.H. Hardy fue un matemático británico. Fue descubridor y mentor de Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan. Desde 1911 colaboró con J.E. Littlewood en análisis matemático y teoría de números.
  • El Bogotazo

    El Bogotazo
    En 1948 tras el asecinato de Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, lider del partido liberal por los conservadores se desato una revolucion en la capital de Colombia
  • Se separan la República Federal Alemana y la República Democrática Alemana.

    Se separan la República Federal Alemana y la República Democrática Alemana.
    Tras la segunda guerra mundial, Alemania se dividio en la Alemania Federal y la Alemania democratica, divididos por el muro de Berlin
  • Calculo con la computadora ENIAC

    Calculo con la computadora ENIAC
    John von Neumann calcula π con 2037 lugares decimales utilizando la computadora ENIAC.