1939-2011 timeline

By Nini21
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    World War 2

    Germnay invaded Poland
  • V2 Rockets

    V2 Rockets
    A ballistic missile
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    Cold War

    was a continuing state of political and military tension between united states and soviet union.
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    Korean War

    1st major armed clash between free and communist world.
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    Vietnam War

    conflict of communist government [North Vietnam] wanting to take over South Vietnam as well.
  • Sputnik

    1st satellite to orbit earth. [Russia]
  • Explorer

    1st satellite from united states
  • Mercury Program

    Mercury Program
    to put a human in orbit.
  • NASA

    created after world war 2
  • Alan Shepard

    Alan Shepard
    1st American in space.
  • Yuri Gargarin

    Yuri Gargarin
    1st person in space and to orbit earth. [Russia]
  • Kennedy speech

    Kennedy speech
    Se4nding an American to the moon before the end of the decade.
  • Gemini Program

    Gemini Program
    two astronauts to orbit earth.
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    1st American to orbit Earth.
  • Mariner

    1st spacecraft of Mariner program.
  • Apollo Program

    Apollo Program
    to land humans on moon and bring them back safely .
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    Present Mars Mission

    Mars rover was to collect data.
  • Apollo 1 fire

    Apollo 1 fire
    scheduled to be first manned mission until two astronauts died because a fire swept through command mocule.
  • Detente

    was a permanent relaxation in international affairs
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Spaceflight that landed the first humans on the moon.
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    third to land on moon.
  • Pioneer

    first spacecraft to go to the asteriod belt and take close up pictures of saturn and jupiter.
  • Apollo Soyuz

    Apollo Soyuz
    symbol of Detente that two superpowering were pursuing at the time.
  • Viking

    First spacecraft to land on Mars.
  • Voyager

    Study of outer solar system and interstellar space.
  • Columbia

    It was the first spacecraft system after Apollo Soyuz.
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    STS Program

    Take an advantage of reusable spacecraft.
  • Challenger

    served as a space shuttle test.
  • Hubble

    a spacetelescope that carried out in to orbit with a spaceshuttle
  • Fall of USSR

    Fall of USSR
    ended upon the creation of common wealth of independent states.
  • ISS

    artifical satellite in Earth's low orbit.
  • Cassini

    Study of saturn.