1932-1945 Timeline

  • Immigrant Adolf Hitler gets German citizenship

    Immigrant Adolf Hitler gets German citizenship
  • Hindenburg reelected President

    Hindenburg reelected President
  • Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
  • Dachau concentration camp opens

    Dachau concentration camp opens
  • Nazi Germany passes the "Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring".

    Nazi Germany passes the "Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring".
  • Hitler proclaims himself Führer und Reichskanzler

    Hitler proclaims himself Führer und Reichskanzler
  • Jews barred from serving in the German armed forces

    Jews barred from serving in the German armed forces
  • Jews no longer considered German citizens; Jews could not marry Aryans; nor could they fly the German flag

    Jews no longer considered German citizens; Jews could not marry Aryans; nor could they fly the German flag
  • Sachsenhausen concentration camp opens

    Sachsenhausen concentration camp opens
  • Hitler and Mussolini form Rome-Berlin Axis

    Hitler and Mussolini form Rome-Berlin Axis
  • Buchenwald concentration camp opens

    Buchenwald concentration camp opens
  • The Nazi exhibition Der ewige Jude ("The Eternal Jew") opens in Munich.

    The Nazi exhibition Der ewige Jude ("The Eternal Jew") opens in Munich.
  • 17,000 Polish Jews living in Germany expelled

    17,000 Polish Jews living in Germany expelled
  • Decree forcing all Jews to transfer retail businesses to Aryan hands

    Decree forcing all Jews to transfer retail businesses to Aryan hands
  • Germans occupy Czechoslovakia

    Germans occupy Czechoslovakia
  • Jews in German-occupied Poland forced to wear an arm band or yellow star

    Jews in German-occupied Poland forced to wear an arm band or yellow star
  • Germans occupy Denmark and southern Norway

    Germans occupy Denmark and southern Norway
  • Concentration camp established at Auschwitz

    Concentration camp established at Auschwitz
  • German Jews ordered into forced labor.

    German Jews ordered into forced labor.
  • Germany invades the Soviet Union

    Germany invades the Soviet Union
  • SS Einsatzgruppe A reports a tally of 229,052 Jews killed.

    SS Einsatzgruppe A reports a tally of 229,052 Jews killed.
  • Reduction of food rations for Jews in Germany.

    Reduction of food rations for Jews in Germany.
  • First resistance by Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto

    First resistance by Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto
  • Newly built gas chamber/crematory IV opens at Auschwitz

    Newly built gas chamber/crematory IV opens at Auschwitz
  • First transports of Jews from Athens to Auschwitz, totaling 5,200 persons

    First transports of Jews from Athens to Auschwitz, totaling 5,200 persons
  • The last transport of Jews to be gassed, 2,000 from Theresienstadt, arrives at Auschwitz

    The last transport of Jews to be gassed, 2,000 from Theresienstadt, arrives at Auschwitz
  • Russians liberate Budapest, freeing over 80,000 Jews

    Russians liberate Budapest, freeing over 80,000 Jews
  • Nazis evacuate 66,000 from Auschwitz

    Nazis evacuate 66,000 from Auschwitz